Massive arsenal, and deadly explosives found in raid

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I'd like to hear more about the circumstances of the charges. I mean if someone said you were a S%$^-eating B$%#$% and you slugged him, that might earn you a disorderly conduct charge, but many would say you did the right thing.

For real. Stories like this are depressing. If they can take down a poor sap like Nepi, ANY OF US are at risk.
Agreed- he is any one of us!

OK fine, his disorderly conduct charge that had him on probation shows he's a bit of a hothead. He deserves a year of probation, which he got. Apparently, what he did wasn't too bad, a year of probation isn't that much.

Was he an idiot? Yes, he should have known that he wasn't allowed a handgun while on probation. Does that mean he deserves what it appears he is getting? Heck no, and yes it is a danger for the rest of us. What he has is pretty light compared to most of us. Basically, the cops had a reason to enter his home (the handgun) and when they found all this stuff which to a sheeple (and many cops are sheeple too) looks BAAAAAd, they had to do more than arrest him for the handgun and take it- they trumped up a photo op and brought in the press and some pretty heavy charges. All we need for this to be us (and pretty ugly headaches, and heavy lawyer fees to beat even the most trumped up stuff) is for just the right police officer to find a reason to look through a part of our homes where they could see our guns and related stuff.
I'd like to hear more about the circumstances of the charges. I mean if someone said you were a S%$^-eating B$%#$% and you slugged him, that might earn you a disorderly conduct charge, but many would say you did the right thing.

Many people would be WRONG in condinging FELONY ASSAULT! (potentially attempted murder, and or Assault with a deadly weapon as well.)

You do NOT solve your problems with VOILENCE!

Yes, this guy is getting railroaded, and needs a good lawyer.

However, he should not have been involved in that voilent epposide (if he really did punch another's car window out), and should not have voilated his probation. Fines or such would be appropriate action at this time, possibly community service. Certinly not jail time however.

I would hope he is distinctly not one of us. I would hope we hold ourselves to higher standards on The High Road.

Firearm owners literally hold life and death in their hands all the time. It is our right to do so of course, and that is just. But we must shoulder responsability with that right, and one's temper must be put in the back seat. For it has no place near a 1911 with 8oz competition trigger :)

PS: the only physical altercation I have ever had the misfortune to be involded in happened while I was in the 1st grade. I had broken my leg, when the class bully decided it would be 'fun' to pick up my leg with cast, and lead me around with it. My decision was between eventual skull fracture when I fell on teh cement, or doing something else.

I chose 'else.'

I spun around (and to this day am not sure how. I will only say 'never underestimate the human survival instincts.') with my only good foot, and kicked him squarely in the head. Knocked him unconsious (8" taller than me, at least 20-30lbs heavier too.).

Violence is an absolute LAST resort, fit for use only when all other options have been exhausted. I am not opposed to it's use in said circumstance.
Though we hate to admit it, there are a certain amount of people in this country who are EXTREMELY uncomfortable with average citizens owning weapons, especially "military" ones.

Also unfortunately, the media agrees with this perception and pushes the theme at any chance.

What I wonder is, did this start with the whole militia/Oklahoma City thing, or was it present before that?
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