May be moving to NC

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Dec 28, 2002
Okay, I have been trying to put a stop to this nonsense but my wife will not let it go. Her sister and sister's husband are being transferred to Raleigh next year. We want to escape the 'blue' counties of el Cuba Norte/New York South. I want to move back to Texas. Wife wants us and her parents (who are in central FL) to move to NC. She is a teacher so getting a job for her should be easy. I am in IT and my BIL's company is building a new data center in Research Triangle Park and I may have a foot in the door for a job there.

The idea of living in Raleigh makes me ill. I am more of a Charlotte or west NC kinda guy. Plus, looking at the ludicrous TN/GA/?? types of gun laws up there are making me ill (Why I cannot carry a gun into a restaurant that serves alcohol is beyond me). They pretty much make it so you cannot carry anywhere. Looks like movie theatres are off-limits too--the whole admission thing.

Anyway, someone please tell me it isn't that bad. Any chance to get these stupid carry laws fixed so they are like FL or TX? Is there some refuge around Raleigh that we can look for? Is the blissninny mentality fully in bloom in Wake county or am I just a pessimist? HELP ME PLEASE!!! WIFE THINKS I AM NUTS FOR BEING CONCERNED ABOUT STUFF LIKE THIS!!!

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