(ME) Teachers Harassing Soldiers' Children

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i wonder just how many of these "teachers" have been spreading their patriotic opinions ever since 9/11, praising the USA and its heroes, while despising those same heroes that work to prevent something bad like 9/11 from happening again.
I'm a high school teacher. Hold your fire until you hear me out.
Texasvet ,
you said Teachers have NO right to share their 'opinions" to children on public time, period. On ANY subject.
I get asked about my opinion on a variety of subjects by my students all the time. They respect my opinions even when they don't agree. They also respect the fact that I am willing to hear their side of the debate and challenge them to think about what they are saying. A good teacher, I believe, will do exactly that;which has everything to do about teaching the kids not only reading, writing, and arithmetic but also about THINKING. At the beginning of the year I raise a lot of eyebrows by telling my kids that I will spend the entire year lying to them... by omission, by my own ignorance on topics, by my own bias,intentional or not. It is their job to understand enough about the subject, to learn enough in the course of the year to challenge what I am saying. That's just my style, though.
Just the other day I had a kid who was furiously against invading Irag ask me my opinion. I told him. We agreed to disagree and he sat down with a thoughtful look. I'm not sure if I had an influence on him but he sat down and thought about it at least for a minute.
I am a high school teacher, though, not an elementary school teacher. Blasting kids or harassing them for their parents' jobs is lower than a worm's belly. I hate the union, haven't been a member since very early in my career. The " teachers" mentioned in the article should get canned IMO. They make us all look bad.
it should be obvious that high school students should be thinking more for themselves and developing their own thought processes. lets use a simple analagy:

would you like it if your kids came home crying because their teacher told them that because mommy and daddy are divorced from each other they will burn in hell? thats just an opinion as well, right? is it appropiate? does the child understand anything about the teachers 'morals'? probably not.

these teachers shouldnt just be canned. they should be shipped off to iraq to be human shields.
Those teachers should be removed from teacher, and be barred from teaching IMO. This is inexcusable. If one of my teachers were to say that to me now, I'd probably go nuts on em.

the school I am at currently is a liberal arts college, but also offers an automotive restoration degree( which is why im here in kansas for the next couple months) they CONSTANTLY have new signs up saying WAR IS TERRORISM and other BS like that. Everytime I see one, doesnt matter if they are standing right there, i tear it down. They are calling soldiers terrorists, and I for one will not stand for it.

I regret coming to a college that the majority of it concentrates on liberal arts....bunch of hippies....
I get asked about my opinion ...

Cool, no problem with that. Your students are old enough to think for themselves and if they respect your opinion, great. But we were discussing very young children who still take what teachers say as gospel. Shame on them.
Patch wrote
Not too long ago, I began hearing stories from the citizens of the town I live in...stories about police misconduct, abuse and so forth. The citizens appeared to me to be looking for some viable pathway to change things for the better....so I decided to get involved and try to help. I began advocating for a civilian over- sight board to regulate police practices, policies and procedures and to ensure that the "people" had some form of equality in justice by having equal representation. Small town corruption is far different than what exists in larger cities. In the end, I found that none of the citizens who "complained" to me, bothered to take any kind of stand with me....they were ok with the fight being waged, as long as someone else took all the risks.... in a short time, a lawsuit will be filed against the City as a result of the abundant amount of retaliation various City Officials imposed upon me for my avocations.....and despite my caring about the "people" to take risks to help my fellow man.....I now stand alone.
Did it occur to you that these "citizens" may have been lying?
Whether or not the teacher’s, councilor’s, or other school official’s opinions are valid has no bearing on the subject. These are little children whose worlds are being turned upside-down. To further damage a child’s psyche through intent, or through ignorance is inexcusable. To vocally disagree with the plans to go to Iraq is our right. But nobody has the right to tell a child that has a parent going to war to defend the rights of every American that his or her parent is a bad person. This could cause irreparable damage to the child’s relationship with that parent or worse. :fire:

Those who perpetrate these acts against innocent children are EVIL and should be prosecuted. Those who act out of ignorance in violating the child’s trust should, at the very least, be bared from teaching ever again. In fact, these sycophants should not be allowed near children in any endeavor, ever. :cuss: :cuss:
Hello? Is anyone paying attention here?

There is a VAST differnce between expressing a personal opinion on an issue and taunting children because of what their parents do!

There is no issue of free speech here! None! Zero! Zip! Zilch!

It doesn't even have anything to do with the age of the children! High school or kindergarten is irrelevant!

Do these liberals have any shame?


The sooner you understand your enemy the sooner you can deal effectively with him. Stop expecting honesty, fairness, decency, or any other good thing from the liberals! That's the problem the Repubs have! They keep trying to play nice with these vermin!

Stop it!

Disgusting!!:cuss: :fire: You'd think people would respect our service men and women and sympathize with the children yearning to be with their parents again. They make the ultimate sacrifice for their country only to have their children harrassed by people that should know better. They ought to be ashamed of themselves taking out their opinions on children. Doesn't say much for them.:mad:
I'll probably get flamed for this, but I don't care.

Those pathetic excuses for human beings aren't worth the bullets that should be used on them.
That's sickening. Literally. My stomach is literally queasy right now.

Can we all just leave the soldiers and their families alone? I don't like the damn war either. Nobody likes a war. And I can't say I'm a huge fan of Mr. Bush. But when the call comes, you go. Period. And for doing that, you've got my respect.
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