Meant to amuse, a letter to MD's governor

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May 27, 2006
Texas (last time I checked/updated this field)
My letter to Martin O'Malley:

Governor Martin O'Malley
100 State Circle
Annapolis, Maryland

Dear Sir:

Now that both Arizona and Utah have named official state firearms (<a href=””>Colt Single Action</a>, and <a href=””>John Browning’s immortal 1911</a>, respectively), I think it’s time that the great state of Maryland upstage these upstart also-ran states -- more like territories, really -- by officializing an official firearm as well. After all, Maryland has what is truly <a href=”,_My_Maryland”>the most martial of all state songs</a>. Citizens of what other state are enjoined to “remember Howards warlike thrust,” or “avenge the patriotic gore that flecked the streets of Baltimore”?

Further, as a born Marylander, I have one in mind that reflects well the government of Maryland’s view of citizens’ right to carry arms for their own self defense and in the defense of liberty. Please consider <a href="">this entire line of products</a>.

Of course, in light of modern circumstances in the Old Line State, the actual gun chosen should be locked up and behind glass, rather than out endangering the children.


Timothy Lord
While I can appreciate the humor, I hope you didn't actually send that. If so, you've just helped to further the notion held by so many MD politicians that gun owners are not worth being taken seriously.
Ridicule works better the other way, I think

Nah, it's not worth the postage to mail it, or the hassle of getting onto yet another politician's mailing list to get "Dear constituent" pap emails. Just posted it to a online journal and to facebook -- where it actually has some anti-gun acquaintances (IMO constructively) discussing the meaning of the 2d Amdt, etc.

But as to "gun owners being taken seriously," I put a lot of stock in ridicule as a tool. My ridicule in this case may not be expert enough, but I see more "can't be taken seriously" problems in "Obama is a Socialist Dictator" banners and that sort of thing (not confined to pro-gun causes, but sadly overlapping in who shows up to what visible events). This is just gentle poking.

The actuality is that most politicians in Maryland are Democrats, and the state is sufficiently mired in their excesses for them to ignore ALL agendas but their own.

I lived in that blighted state from 1947-2005. I grew up before Baltimore, Prince George's County, and Montgomery County had the ability to literally dictate elections. I even lived in Howard County, Columbia, for about ten years.

Sadly, I grew tired of being promised one thing, and then being tossed as another faction made a politician reverse his/her stand. So, I left, and moved to a Free State.
In actuality, a lot has happened since 2005. We've pushed back (and won) against a proposed state AWB ban that would have affected virtually all magazine-fed hanguns as well as long guns, and are currently in the process of taking the state to court to end it's ridiculous "good and substantial reason" clause that taints our CCW regulations.
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