Meeting recap: Minneapolis Million Moms Meetup

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Aug 21, 2003
Well, I decided that I am close enough to "Moms Who Care About Gun Violence" (I do care about gun violence: I am firmly opposed). I'm a dad, but the Million Moms couldn't be sexist, could they?

So I RSVPed to attend the monthly meeting at

So did four other folks.

Guess who showed up?

1) Me and 2) everyone's favorite author/blogger/advocate/instructor, our pal joelr.

I have to admit, we didn't exactly follow the "Million" Moms agenda of planning our huge Mother's Day grassroots demonstration.

We did have yummy snacks, and were later joined by a couple of delightful young ladies: Joel's wife (finally -- an actual mom!) and his 10-year-old daughter.

Although there were several guns at the table, miraculously, no one got shot. :)

We were really hoping to see at least one or two of the "millions" who might benefit from some calm, polite and factual discussion, but, as Joel would say, "alas," it was not to be.

Maybe next month. :)

(Joel's impression of this meeting's turnout can be found in his blog entry.)
You could start a new organization: Dad's Who Support Mom's Who Support Guns .... (DWSMWSG)
Did the MMMs not show up because you crashed? Or did they not show because the MMM movement is dead?

I think MMM should be renamed anyway: Moms for the Enslavement of their Children, or Moms for Tyranny
Mpayne...tell me you are kidding!
Wow, you would think in Twin Cities, there would be a showing of at least a couple dozen Commie Mommies!

good one on ya!

P.S.--you may want to email the central MMM and tell them the fantastic results of the meeting.
I just read on joelr's web site about their membership, so I check out their membership list on their web site. Well, they have me listed as a member, now isn't that interesting. I got a sign on just to monitor their propaganda and get update so that I know what is going on, and now according to their web site I am one of them. :neener:
Ad on the mmm website

I popped over to the mmm website whilst killing some time, and found this terribly ironic ad posted on their site:

It's a Crime
Fight rivals to
become mob boss
Email Gang Game

(screen snap of the evidence attached)



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I keep trying to go to one of these. But according to the "meet-up" page the ENTIRE city of SEATTLE and outlying areas can't come up with enough "Mom's Who Care About Gun Violence" to support a meating. I think the minimum is FIVE. They sure are a force to be reconed (sp??) with.
They have to be tap dancing

... as fast as they can now.

Man, nobody showed up at the Joliet area Meet Up either. What are they going to say if they give a Million Mom March and 12 people show up? Or even worse, if they are vastly outnumbered by intelligent, well behaved Second Amednment Sisters with their kids and other like minded folks.

I'm sure their willing dupes in the major media (NY Times, Washed Up Post etc.) will write a story about how successful the March was, at a "grass roots level" out where we couldn't see it.

I still wonder if Kerry will show up to speak at a venue with no audience to be filmed with? Hmmmm?

Don P.
Not quite complete

Two others did show up:

my wife, Felicia, who, sure enough, is a mom -- she brought our daughter Rachel, not just as proof -- and is very much agin' gun violence, and carries a pistol and carry permit as a way of discouraging others from engaging in such.

It was fun. Good to meet Matt in person.

It also helped to make my point: that the pro-self-defense movement is really a grass-roots movement, while the anti-carry movement, at least here, is a counterfeit of one.

Oh, and a request/comment/observation: being pro-self-defense isn't property of moderates or conservatives; there's quite a few liberals who are in favor of "shall issue" carry laws.

And, hey, Cobb? I know Mankato's a fair way away, but come on down next time, anyway. We'll have some pizza or something, and then maybe we can go out to the range. It'll be fun.
Not quite complete...

Read again, my friend. :)

We did have yummy snacks, and were later joined by a couple of delightful young ladies: Joel's wife (finally -- an actual mom!) and his 10-year-old daughter.

Wouldn't leave them out... they classed up the joint!
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