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Mar 25, 2006
Actor Mel Gibson, sucking up to his Hollywood Bush Hating Buddies, marching in lock step with the left liberal Hillary/Billary crowd, is obviously hoping for another Academy Award for his new ultra violent flick about the early Mayans.


Gibson inspired by 'fear-mongering' Bush Friday May 12, 11:45 AM By WENN

Film star and director Mel Gibson has launched a scathing attack on US President George W Bush, comparing his leadership to the barbaric rulers of the Mayan civilisation in his new film Apocalypto.

The epic, due for release later this year, captures the decline of the Maya kingdom and the slaughter of thousands of inhabitants as human sacrifices in a bid to save the nation from collapsing.

Gibson reveals he used present day American politics as an inspiration, claiming the government callously plays on the nation's insecurities to maintain power.

He tells British film magazine Hotdog, "The fear-mongering we depict in the film reminds me of President Bush and his guys".


Nothing like playing the whore to the Hollywood lefties.

He's not pushing for an Academy Award. He's trying to stir up some controversy in the US market to increase interest in his film.

I'm sure he appreciates your efforts on his behalf.
the last that I heard, Gibson has always been a conservative. was a big reagan fan if I remember right. what would lead you to believe that his statements are just bush hating?
Who Cares

America idolizes its celebrites entirely too much. What makes Mel Gibson an expert on politics? Sure he is a talented actor. And by association that makes him one of the most informed citizens on Americas political state. I dont draw the connection. So many people think that seeing others in a little glass tube makes them somehow, better smarter, or more informed than the standard joe. Mel has no more special information on the situation in the country than anyone else of us. Being on TV does not give you access to classified documents, whitehouse briefings, or congressional hearings. So America needs to stop pretending like it does. Mel Gibson doesn't like Bush... Fair enough; but either does the lady that lives down the street from me. I'm not posting this as an "oh my god, he hates Bush, so he hates america" statement. Its just so disheartening when people take the things celebrities say so much to heart, as if its the gospel of the better informed... Just because a man or woman can recite a line of a screenplay, or sing a song, or hit 50 homeruns a season; doesn't make them some sort of political activist. So Mel Gibson hates bush, thats nice, apparently so does half of America. But when i see an interview on the news with George Clooney or Susan Sorandon (sp.?) about anything that involves politics, it really confuses me. Its like people should be saying, "hey! I really liked Oceans 11, this guy must really know what hes talking about!"

Just my 2 cents, i got a little carried away, maybe 3 cents.
apparently so does half of America

More like 70 percent disapproval rating now. I'm surprised his approval rating is as high as it is. Sounds like Gibson about hit the nail on the head. And that Iranian guy was right on quite a few counts also.
Not the point i was trying to make. I'm not a Bush fan either guys. But thanks for not renewing the assault rifle ban dubya.:)
the last that I heard, Gibson has always been a conservative. was a big reagan fan if I remember right. what would lead you to believe that his statements are just bush hating?

What would be so surprising about a hardcore Reaganite conservative hating Bush, who has nothing to do with "conservative" in any sense of the word? That'd make absolute sense, to me!
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