Memorial Day

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Feb 9, 2006
I just wanted to take a minute to acknowledge the sacrifices our veterans have made for us..and for any vets on this board
i want to say how proud i am to have ya'll here.
I for one will never forget the fallen and our brave soldiers who are fighting for us as i write this
we are still the greatest nation in the world...because of our military who refuses to let that change

i was just sitting here looking at this M1 Carbine that i cherish so much..not because it is a great rifle...but because of the soldier that carried think that he was so far from home..fighting for the way of life that has allowed me to have it

God Bless America,and her soldiers
My own small acknowledgement written this several years ago.

Memorial Day

What are we remembering?
The news will carry a neat summation
A sound bite of the president
Trite little pictures
The laying of a wreath
As if by giving five minutes a year
Balances the scales
As if anything could

Long long after
The bugle sounds its final note
We will raise our fine monument
Words inscribed in sandstone
Saying "not in vain"

Not marble etched with letters
Not names on a wall
Each was a person
They had dreams, loves and fears
They knew pain and joy
All taken from them

Ground bled for
To take or to keep
Has value beyond all logic
Hallowed beyond our ability to sanctify or defile

Our land
Baptized in blood
Forged in fire
And washed in tears
That is what I will remember this day

Not in vain
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