Memorial weekend shoot at Dragon Man's.

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Jan 18, 2003
Woodland Park, Colorado USA
Memorial Day shoot at Dragon Man's 05/25/03 Sunday from 9:30AM to 3:30PM. Be there if you like FA toys. I'll be there with my UZI. Come intro yourself if you're there. I'll be wearing an ARFCOM T-shirt and have an UZI (most likely the only UZI there). In the Colorado Springs, Co. area in Eastern El Paso County. At the corner of C94 and Curtis Rd. Karl.
Hey, can I bring out my non-FA toys to play with?

I'll be the short Asian dude with the CAR-15 clone and a red dot. What's the deal out there?
The firing line is reserved for full autos that day. But if you come find me, you can shoot from my position. There's always room for several people at each position and I'll be there alone anyway. You can find me easy, there's a pic of me on my personal website, just follow the link in my sigline. I'll be wearing blue jeans and a black AR15.COM T-shirt. If it's sunny, a BB cap to keep the shiny spot on top from getting burnt. :rolleyes: Hope you can make it. Karl.
Dang. I'm supposed to work Sunday nite 7pm till 7am.
Maybe I can get out there early for an hour or so. Wanted to go check this out last year but......grumbleworkgrumble.
If I get out there I'll be the long haired guy with the tan "Molon Labe" hat and some kind of american pride t-shirt.
Anyone going early?
Can't make it. Decided to go fishing.

Maybe we can all hook up at a THR / Colorado shoot.
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