Merry Christmas! Need help with YOM on Peacemaker .22!

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Sep 14, 2003
Lancaster, California
My lovely wife Mauserlady got me a beautiful 6" Colt Peacemaker .22 convertible! I guess I've been a good boy! I shouldn't spread that around as it might ruin my image.

The "funny" thing is that a couple of months ago she and I went into our local gun shop, and I spied this Peacemaker in the case, took it out and fondled it a bit, checking the timing and fit, looking for any flaws, then with some regret handed it back to be put away.

The next week we went into the gun shop to do some shooting in the range, I beelined for the display case first and, damn, the Peacemaker was gone! Pretty disappointing since I had had one of these when I was a youngster of 15 (My dad gave it to me) and I REALLY liked this one in the gun shop.

Well, it was my wife that had bought it for me! She's so funny. She had arrived there a little earlier than me on our shooting day, and told Jeff "We've got to get this out of the case, he'll (me) be here soon!". The next time I see this revolver is when I open my BIG Christmas present!

Anyway, I was hoping someone here knows of an online source of info on the year of manufacture of Colt Revolvers, or has one of those little Colt books. I'm guessing it's relatively new, probably 80s manufacture, but I'd like to be sure.

The number is G11XXXX

Thanks, and Merry Christmas.

Looks to be around a 1975 vintage revolver as that year started with the number G117201.
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