Mexican Pres, "NO MORE WEAPONS!"

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Jan 18, 2011
Between Orlampa!
Here's another fast and furious article, it's by the associated press so who knows, but it definitely says that were giving them automatic weapons all the time. It has the feel like maybe the big O or lying Holder might be behind it. I know Ya'll might think I'm crazy but I think I'm starting to here helicopters please tell me I'm wrong.
We have been giving them military aid. We let them have their own version of the M16, and because of how much corruption there is, and how many of the cartel guys defect from the Army, it's unsurprising that they have them. The original Los Zetas were Special Forces contracted by the Gulf Cartel to do enforcement and fight their battles for them. The Zetas have since taken over from the Gulf and they are even worse. The old cartels were hateful gangs, but they at least exercised a sort of pragmatic villainy. If you didn't get involved in their business and you didn't cause problems for them, then they would leave you alone. The Zetas are unrestrained psychopaths who essentially go out and do anything they want simply because they can. They kill for no reason, they force people off their estates, they take over towns, they ride in convoys and go head to head against the official military. The sort of stuff they get up to is what you'd imagine would be restricted to 3'rd world tribal wars.

The drug war isn't going to end until Americans kick the drug habit. Yes, vegan pacifist pot smoker, even you contribute to the drug war. Who do you think grows your weed? Who do you think transports it from the fields to the city? Who do you think sells it to the local deals? Who do you think the guy who supplies your dealer is? Who do you think your dealer is? Here's a great hint: they aren't the sort of people who would risk death, mutilation, and imprisonment just to see you grin stupidly and take 4 P.M. naps. You cannot take drugs and claim to hurt nobody. A point of contention between my old roommate and I was that he claimed that unlike guns, his Marijuana never hurt anyone. Well then, what about the Drug Wars, people who drive while high and crash, that damn chronic cough I had for several months, what about really stupid decisions that kill people, what about addicts who ruin their lives, what about all the revenue it brings to the criminal elements? In contrast to drugs, almost all firearms in this country will never be involved in or connected to crime. More guns are used against crime than for crime. A gun can be used for good. A drug can only be used for escapism.

The drug cartels developed because of the U.S. Drug War and the fact that the U.S. appetite for drugs is enormous. It doesn't matter what you do; people want drugs and others are willing to fulfill that need for a price. Therefore, drugs will continue to flow. The only way to sink these criminal enterprises is to legalize drugs, put the whole industry into the eye of government regulators and the public and legitimate businessmen. Drugs are legalized, people now can get their drugs from legal sources without having to deal with cartel price gouging. Drug prices collapse. Drug gangs go under. The War On Drugs is also causing problems with the criminal justice system. The most common reason why people go to prison is a nonviolent drug offense. We are filling up our prisons with people who could be productive members of society and making the system overcrowded for the people who really ought to be in there.
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Mexico needs to fix their own, internal issues of crime, corruption and poverty and stop blaming all their problems on the US.
The Mexican government has long been corrupt. Thousands of Mexican army troops desert to the drug cartels every year, many with their weapons. The small number of weapons being smuggled into Mexico from the US is insignificant.

The drug cartels are fighting over the lucrative US dope market; tens of thousands of innocent Mexicans have died as a result.
The drug cartels are fighting over the lucrative US dope market; tens of thousands of innocent Mexicans have died as a result.

You've hit the nail squarely on the head, alsaqr. If the criminals were smart, they'd divide the market instead of squandering time, effort, money, and lives fighting one another. If the U.S. were smart, it would legalize most of the drugs, which would drop the bottom out of the criminals' market. These are obvious lessons we should have learned from the many failures of prohibition in the 1920s.
Felipe Calderon can go defecate in his sombrero. The burden Mexico places on the U.S. is incredible and he has the stones to complain to us?
Why don't we just retaliate by saying NO MORE DRUGS! I mean they are pointing the finger at us but there wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so incompetent as a country that they let the drug trafficking run rampant. What idiots! The way I see it they have been headed down a dark road for a long time and it keeps getting darker. Maybe they should try educating their people and then some of them might be smart enough to improve their country that has been run by morons for forever. Maybe then they could just get jobs in their own country and stop the drug flow into the U.S.
I think he (Calderone) would really teach us a lesson by closing and patrolling the border.:D

Mexico needs to fix their own, internal issues of crime, corruption and poverty and stop blaming all their problems on the US.

We were ARMING the cartels. And the "War On Drugs" is what created the cartels in the first place.
"No More Weapons" It’s just ridicules posturing with no regard for the truth. It’s really no different than the feces spewed from our own politicians. I guess this is a good lesson on supply & demand. Just like the guns and drugs, the crap from the political class will continue as long as there’s a market for it…
Most of their weapons are coming from either our government or corrupt officials in South America, the problem is with government, not Cabelas.
Why don't we just retaliate by saying NO MORE DRUGS!

The Drugs themselves aren't the problem, it's the criminal behavior associated with supplying the drugs that is the problem.

I mean they are pointing the finger at us but there wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so incompetent as a country that they let the drug trafficking run rampant.

There wouldn't be any drug trafficking at all if it wasn't so profitable.
Eliminate the profit, eliminate the Cartel.

Thought Exercise:
What is the root cause for the profitability of the drug trade?
Notice this line in the article that is supposedly a quote from Calderan :

"Dear friends of the United States, Mexico needs your help to stop this terrible violence that we're suffering," Calderon said in English during the unveiling ceremony.

"The best way to do this is to stop the flow of automatic weapons into Mexico," he added.
Before unveiling the billboard, Calderon supervised the destruction of more than 7,500 automatic rifles and handguns at a military base in Ciudad Juarez.

What "automatic weapons" would be coming from a civilian source? I think this is probably a gimmick between Calderon and either Holder or Obama to gin up the press hysteria necessary to get the unaware behind more restrictive gun laws... Mexico is not our friend, it has always been a corrupt and tyranical country. Remember in WWII they were aligned more with the Nazi's than with us.
Correction noted as I was operating from memory. I probably was thinking about this from WWI:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As the Revolution was unfolding in Mexico from 1910 to 1920, the first World War broke out in Europe, lasting from 1914 to 1918. Mexico benefited in some respects from the war, among them the greater demand for oil, as well as for other mineral resources, by the European powers, increasing the quantity of economic resources being obtained from these sources.

Germany, via the Zimmermann Telegram, proposed an alliance with Mexico for various reasons, such as its strategic position and its role as provider of oil to the allied powers. The proposal was rejected by Venustiano Carranza, leader of the Constitutionalist movement.
Even after Fast & Furious, the State Department (Hilary Clinton) continue to authorize the sale of thousands of weapons to Mexico. Now a story has just been released that when asked, Mexico has failed to account for a couple of thousand of those weapons.
A bunch of political leaders from Central and south America have been actively objecting the US War on Drugs for the last few years. I can't speak for other states, but most of Washington's marijuana is homegrown or Canadian.
He may be referring to the infamous Zimmerman telegram from WWI. In WWII Mexico had a squadron of Thunderbolts flying.
This is so similar to the UN gun cube, and just as effective. Propaganda, nothing more, and I agree, a No More Drugs sign just across the way pointing back would send just as powerful and useless a message.
Far better would be to display the captured narcos and their armaments when caught by state and local resources as they tried to bring the poison across. Bodies, too.
As for weed, actually I think most Marijuana is grown in California, been the number one cash crop for them for years. If Cali ever seceded from the union, they would recoup their money be becoming the biggest pot supplier to the world.
Mexico is one of the countries pushing hard to undermine our Second Amendment rights at the small arms conference currently underway at the United Nations. Mexico insists the broader should stay open so that illegals can continue to flood north and cash can stream south, while simultaneously claiming that civilian gun ownership in the U.S. is the cause of their violence.
Of course the firearms have nothing to do with this. Mexico could end the war tomorrow by legalizing the trade. Prohibition doesn't work and never will. But too many people are making too much money enforcing the laws and seizing the drug dealer proceeds. For the dealers a certain level of seizures are a cost of doing business, so it amounts to a system of de facto payoffs no different in substance from Al Capone's antics. Meanwhile, Calderon has to find something to deflect attention from this reality. Blaming the Yankee gun owners is convenient.
I agree with Cosmoline!
Prohibition, AKA The War on Some Drugs is a total failure and drug laws should be removed from the federal books today and left to the States.

The idea of the firearm problem comes from the u.s. firearms makers/owners/sellers is stupid beyond words.

It is all about money! If I grew cannabis along with my squash and peppers and took it to the farmers market and sold it for $5 a pound then Mexico would lose mucho income. So would the police that sieze property in the u.s. not to mention the attorneys who make a living off the drug trade. Follow the money and you will find the true supporters of the war on drugs.

Truth be told many south american countries and the europeans as just as willing to sell firearms to Mexico as our gov is. If I recall Russia is building 1 or 2 arms plants and a few more ammo plants for our buddies in Venezuela.

To be honest with this you should be just as angry over the fed war on drugs as the feds dislike over the 2nd amendment. Only wannabe tyrants blame firearms for the countries problems.

Freedom solves more problems than it creates.

Knowing what you do about heroin, would you become a heroin addict or user if it was sold over the counter at walmart starting today? How many tomato smugglers do you know?
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