Michael Moore gets a little taste of his own medicine...

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Jan 8, 2003
People's Republic of Canada

Moore gets taste of own medicine
Tony Allen-Mills, New York
March 05, 2007

THE hunter has become the hunted. Michael Moore, the celebrated left-wing filmmaker, has become the unwilling subject of a new documentary that raises damaging questions about the credibility of his work.
The director and star of successful documentaries such as Roger & Me, Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore has repeatedly been accused by his right-wing enemies of distorting or manipulating the material in his films. On his website he dismisses his critics as "wacko attackos".
Yet the latest assault on Moore's filmmaking techniques has come from an unexpected quarter. In Manufacturing Dissent, a documentary to be shown for the first time at a Texas film festival on Saturday, a pair of left-wing Canadian filmmakers take Moore to task for what they describe as a disturbing pattern of fact-fudging and misrepresentation.

"When we started this project we hoped to have done a documentary that celebrated Michael Moore. We were admirers and fans," said Debbie Melnyk, who made the film with her husband, Rick Caine. "Then we found out certain facts about his documentaries that we hadn't known before."

When Caine and Melnyk began to follow Moore as part of their own documentary, their efforts to interview him met with the same kind of obstruction, denial and, ultimately, physical ejection that Moore had suffered when he tried to track down Roger Smith, the former chief executive of General Motors, for his first film, Roger & Me. It was in Flint, Michigan, Moore's former home town, that Caine and Melnyk made the first discovery that they say rocked their confidence in his approach. Roger & Me was a hugely successful account of what Moore portrayed as a fruitless task to force Mr Smith to answer questions about GM's policies in closing the car manufacturing plants that had long been Flint's economic lifeline.

Caine and Melnyk claim that Moore interviewed Mr Smith on camera twice. But the scenes were left on the cutting-room floor, apparently for greater dramatic effect.

Manufacturing Dissent includes a long catalogue of alleged exaggerations or distortions in several of Moore's films. In Bowling for Columbine, a scathing indictment of US gun violence, Moore visited Toronto to show parts of the city that were supposedly so free of crime everyone left their front doors unlocked.

"Michael makes it look as though 100 per cent of the doors were unlocked, but his local producer told us it was really only 40 per cent," said Caine.

Caine and Melnyk said they had hoped to interview Moore about his views on how much editing was acceptable before a factual documentary turned into misleading propaganda.

"We had met him at a premiere of the Columbine film in Toronto, and he said, 'Oh yes, talk to my people and they'll set something up'," said Caine. "We then called his people and they said he's not doing any more interviews in Toronto. We had his email, we sent a letter to his lawyers, we had his phone number in New York. But each time he said no."

Then Caine and Melnyk began to run into open hostility. Eventually, in a scene that might have come from Roger & Me, they were bundled out of an event where Moore's sister knocked aside Caine's camera.

But they insist they should not be confused with those who want to damage Moore.

"If you have to sell out your values and principles to get at a greater truth, where does that leave you?" said Melnyk. "If we think it's wrong for the Government to lie and manipulate, how do we think that (left-wingers) doing it is the solution?"

The Sunday Times
Back in the 60s, when I was still a liberal Democrat, I worked with the Sierra Club to help derail a ski resort in the Sierras. I expected the proponents of the resort to lie to the public but I was totally unprepared when "our" side resorted to the same strategy.

When is a politician lying?
When his lips move.
When local and national debates are little more than both sides lying their pants to cinders, it's not wonder that people "check out" of the whole mess.

It's also an object lesson in why integrity is such an important thing.

My proudest moments as a member of THR are when I see someone correcting a point that while standing in our favor, simply isn't true.

That is a sign of the true strength of our position, that it can fearlessly stand on its merits alone, without the need of embellishment, and recognizes that unfactual embellishments are in fact tarnish.

I see very damned little of that happening elsewhere, and I've yet to see it happen at all in the camps of our enemies.
Who is this Michael Moore character any way...

I have spent LOTS of time overseas in the military and I have yet to even see one of these movies... Obviously they aren't academy award winning productions.. (they might have been but I didn't see that show either)

I think the problem is that lots of folks have too much time on their hands.
Who has time for TV now-a-days?

someone fill me in....


More sensationalist Blah, Blah, Blah....

I think the Roswell incident has more credibility.... lol

Keep in mind that people pay real Money to see professional wrestling too,
most of the ones I know still think it's real, but wouldn't vote because of it..
Keep in mind that people pay real Money to see professional wrestling too,

PT Barnum was right, and way ahead of his time. As gullible as most of the populace is these days he could make a mint without ever actually setting up his circus tents.
I believe Moore has been thoroughly discredited as any semblance of a professional journalist.

Unfortunately, he still gets more than the lion's share of media attention.

And even more unfortunately, many people still take his word as gospel.

And he's funny-looking.
Michael Moore says some very anti-american things, but thats the great thing about our country, you can speak out about anything and dont get imprisoned. But in my opinion, if you trash america......then you can excersize your 11th right, the right to LEAVE
The problem isnt just someone like Michael Moore slewing the facts, its the fact that most people in america, whether its just lazyness or that they dont care, people arent informed, they don't stay up on the facts of current events, so when someone makes an "entertaining" movie, they soak it all up as sponges and believe everything it says. I think we should be concerned with INFORMING america
I have a good book called "Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man" which pretty much systematically derails any argument he ever offers about anything. It both exposes hypocricy and downright lies. That being said even if everything he said is true he's not really making any point. I mean seriously, have any of you seen bowling for columbine? it really doesen't say anything at all. Its the most feeble attempt to correlate violence with guns, but the doesen't even do a decent job of weaving the two things together even with fabricated evidence.
The other problem is that here in the UK they lap his bs up.
Because generally they don't know any better.
Some of the most heated arguments I have had, have been because I told people here to quit watching Moore's rubbish.
Keep in mind that people pay real Money to see professional wrestling too, most of the ones I know still think it's real, but wouldn't vote because of it..

I don't know why poeple are always down on Professional Wrestling. I want you to do something. Watch a Karate movie. Any of them. Wow. Lots of eye candy. Now, watch a Karate match. Pathetic looking? Full contact, huh?

Now, watch a wrestling match. Real time. Maybe it's somewhat rehearsed, but what you're watching these guys do isn't fake, even thoughthey might be pulling their punches and kicks. Watching a guy fly 10 feet into the air and come donw on a table which breaks in half without the use of wires or safety nets is impressive, to say the least. Way more impressive than most martial arts I've seen. And there is no way you could pay me enough money to try and really fight one of those guys. So, credit where credit is due.

Sorry to go off topic, but that has always been a sore point for me. Wrestling is America's Martial Art.
My sister gave me "Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man" (Book) for my birthday... Not the worst read and kinda funny to Moore-bash with.
My proudest moments as a member of THR are when I see someone correcting a point that while standing in our favor, simply isn't true.

That is a sign of the true strength of our position, that it can fearlessly stand on its merits alone, without the need of embellishment, and recognizes that unfactual embellishments are in fact tarnish.

The truth rarely needs a defense.
I used to work for this place ...

I did a four year IT stint at a non-profit not long ago. Micheal Moore was revered as a god in that building. You have a GUN in your house? Dude, you NEED to watch Bowling for Columbine, that'll straighten you out!

That's the way they thought over there. Bowling for Columbine alleges that the 2A in general and the NRA in specific is a thinly veiled license to engage in racial genocide, first against Native Americans, then against blacks. How do my socialist friends over at the non-profit know this? Because they saw it on "Bowling For Columbine".:banghead:

I had to get outta that place and thank God I did. But, I take comfort in knowing that Moore's fast n' loose handling of "facts" is pretty widely acknowledged, even by our enemies.
I don't care what side of the fence one is on, if a person takes what any public
figure says as gospel they are setting themselves up to be fooled. And if anyone
has problems with someone looking for verification or confirmation they are
certainly hiding something.

What applies in the scientific world (not pseudoscience) should apply in politics as well.
The people who buy the Michael Moore horsehockey are the same ones that email their bank account numbers to that nice guy from Nigeria and then can't understand why such a nice guy would clean out their bank account. Then they get even more puzzled when they report it to the authorities and find out.....YOU DON'T GET YOUR MONEY REFUNDED FOR BEING STUPID!.

The term is brain donor. Basically many of these members of the species homo stupidicus are nothing more than walking talking brain stems. Got a temperature, pulse, respiration? Good, you qualify to vote today.
Moore's films were so biased that no serious person with even a tiny bit of knowledge of life on planet Earth could ever have thought of them as anything other than fiction.
I almost watched Bowling for Columbine. I was in High School when Columbine happened. We had a football player kill his girlfriend then himself in a home invasion. The sad part was that the girl's brother was having nightmares that night and was sleeping in his sisters room. He witnessed the killing of his sister and then the guy killing himself. It took the brother some time to talk again.
I realized it was a propaganda film swathed in the clothing of a documentary and didn't watch it. If a documentary isn't based of facts then it is an emotional piece of work. If I want to be entertained I'll watch something else.
Although Mr. Moore's work is very contrived, he has a right to his opinion. NO matter how wrong he is. His work is just editorialized, sensationalist garbage and should be viewed as such.
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