Michael Moore gets a little taste of his own medicine...

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[QUOTE]The other problem is that here in the UK they lap his bs up. 
Because generally they don't know any better. 
Some of the most heated arguments I have had, have been because I told people here to quit watching Moore's rubbish.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

If you notice,that in all of his documentaries,he is very selective about who,he selects,for an interview-as opposed,to just interviewing people generally.

For instance,lets take James Nichols,the brother of the late Terry Nichols,who owned his own soya farm.Now,this guy was,in my opinion,a few nails short of a pack and was clearly emotionally unbalanced.Now Nichols,kept a .44 magnum revolver under his pillow and actually put it up to his head-off screen.

Also the interviews with the Michigan Militia,who were regarded as morons with assault rifles,by Moore and by the ignorant antis.

Then there was an interview with Mr Heston,who basically didn't want to answer any questions about rights to bear arms,so he eventually walked off and ignored Moore-completely.Not a good thing for old Chuck to do,because he could have said something witty,to shut up  Moore-completely.

Now,why doesn't he go to an ordinary shooting range in the US,Canada or even in the UK and ask questions there? No sensationalism,thats why.

Also the documentary,about the Dunblane massacre,never featured Thomas Hamiltons fellow shooters,who thought the bloke was a "creepy sad twat" and that he was the most unpopular shooter there,because he had an unhealthy interest in young boys-implying a sexual one,rather than a healthy one.

In fact Hamilton had been kicked out of several clubs and was verbally abused,by his fellow club members,because of his disgusting interests and strange behaviour.

My mom,who is sadly anti-gun,regarded Moore's interview with Chuck Heston,as rubbish,because Moore was an unpleasant person and was very rude,to a man,who tried to answer his questions.

Would you want to shoot along side a clone of Robin Williams character,Simon Parish,from one hour photo?I think not.
This just furthers my position on watching the boob tube....

I havent been interested in TV since they took Gilligan's Island off the air.

Last Movie I saw on the Silver Screen was TITANIC. I do watch the occasional movie, but that's for ENTERTAINMENT.

Sorry but I have better things to do, like sit at the Loading bench with my son or heading down to the local river and watch him harass Salmon.

Folks at work think that's a little narrow minded, but they never turn down an offer to go to the range or a package of venison...... hmmmmmmmm

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