Mikhail Kalashnikov turns 90 today

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What an amazing gun. I've never owned one but will probably pick one up someday. It is probably the best close combat weapon of all time. Hard hitting caliber and uber reliable.
Great idea, unfortunately he created it for the Soviets. And his design has gone on to be used by countless murders, commie murders, and other horrible tyrants and oppressors. Not to say the U.S. hasn't had it's share of weapon designs hijacked i.e. the Thomspson SMG 1927 in China by chinese warlords fighting the commies. Great gun in its own right and will have a place in history right next to the M16, but a shame in how it has been used by the wrong people. And yes I realize the difference in stamped and milled receivers and such.
Happy Birthday, I will now have to go molest my AK a little. Break her out and give her a few rounds in celebration.
I believe it was Mikhail who said himself that although very proud of his design he wished he had invented a lawnmower instead.
Happy birthday, Mr. Kalashnikov!



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What can I say, I love kalashnikovs :)

And yes, MK created the weapon to defend his country. His homeland was in ruins, bombed to pieces and overrun by a foreign enemy. He began designing it as a way to fight back against those enemies after seeing and hearing first hand accounts of the superior german Stg44 and its effect on the battlefield.

The gun is a tool, it's use is determined by who's holding it. I never thought I'd see someone on a gun forum using such Brady Bunch logic.
the gun doesn't know its russian... but if it makes you feel bad to look at it or hold it...don't. Simple as that. for some reason I can't bring myself to own a K98. ****ing Nazi rifle...
Looks just like a German STG 44. If you listen to the Russians, they invented water...

Ugh, not this again. The StG44 was expensive and hard to mass produce ... it embodied German weapon design. Even if we all agree that Kalashnikov stole their idea, you still have to give him credit for coming up with an inexpensive design that can be easily mass produced, which is a characteristic of Russian weapons.
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest firearm innovators in history!

I'll fire off a few mags in honor of the old guy!


Compared to most of the pics I've seen, that's the nicest example I've seen so far. Most of the "tool" pics show examples with some very hard use. I remember one pic of a Somali pirate holding one that literally looked like it had been to hell and back, with a side trip through Yuma.

And realistically, the man was a patriot to his country. No more no less. Look at John Browning, his designs helped this country as well in war.
Got nothing against the man himself, he had a choice between the murdering scum of the nazis or the murdering scum of the sovients(Stalin killed thirty million of his own people between execution and the Gulog, while fighting the Nazis). I guess it was go with the murdering scum you know. I love the gun don't get me wrong, just saying there is a lot of tragedy attached to it. And I don't know of any folks who freed themselves from tyranny using AKs, maybe someone can enlighten me.

I just wish the guy would have defected to the U.S. with the AK design when it's all said and done, silly I know but...
My thought is that if he didn't, someone else would have. Checkered history and all, there's nothing else like it, and nothing more effective at its intended purpose. If TEOTWAWKI happens, you know what I'll have with me.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Kalashnikov.
well...I have a Saiga.. Guess I can say thanks too... I dont care how many have been killed by X design. that doesnt mean it deserves any less respect.

People kill, people die and the world keeps spinning.
I've been told Kalashnikov is actually holding an airsoft in the picture Fireman posted!

I can't pick out the differences myself.
Yes, I'm sure an M16 has never been misused by anyone. :rolleyes: It should go without saying on a gun forum that tools are tools; only people have a will of their own.

And I've got another little secret to share: every design of any product in the world is based in part on lessons learned previously.

There is absolutely no reason that we, as dedicated proud 'Muricans, can't appreciate the AK for what it is: the most prolific FIREARM of all time.
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