Million Gunowner March

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i be there with the 136 other guys that actually show up

but i'm a fetid swamp local

get ahold of Jeff Head and ask about the "March for Liberty"
The problem is that many gun owners still seem to regard firearms ownership as something less than reputable and are therefore averse to being indentified as such.

:cuss: And some folks actually believe that Political Correctness is no longer a problem.


The thought police reign supreme in the US today. They are everywhere and gun owners, like all people, want to belong. The thought police tell everyone that guns are bad. Hear that often enough and you start to believe it.

Gun owners in general are pretty much a law abiding bunch. Being law abiding pretty much equates to conformism, not making waves. So rather than fight back we just maintain as low a profile as we can and hope the sheep don't notice.

The trouble is it doesn't matter whether the sheep notice or not. It only matters if the sheep herder notices...

Think about that!
Herding cats..................

Getting gun owners to do something like this is harder than herding cats!

Harry Tuttle Quote:

"get ahold of Jeff Head and ask about the "March for Liberty"

I was there.
What did we have show up? under 100 people?

SHAMEFULLY, There were more people in DC running around in drag during their "run around washington in drag" annual meet.

SAS rally this past mother's day? 200 people, tops.

I have been there done that (with the wife and 4 kids, mind you).

People would rather weed the garden/go shopping with the wife for her shoes/clean out the gutters then show up to something like this. The only way you might gaurantee the numbers is that you ask people to put their money where their mouth is.

Your coming to the rally/march in DC? GREAT! $100.00 deposit please. Here is your claim number. Show up with the number and you get the $100.00 back. Don't show up, you lose it and it goes towards a 2nd A fund of some sort.

Please, Do NOT, under any circumstances, use the word "Million" anywhere in the thought process.

If I may suggest, a Memorial Day weekend (you pick the year). Visit Arlington, the Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorial. The Vietnam and WW II Memorial. Visit the Smithsonian, Mt Vernon, Monticello, NRA Museum... heck maybe even walk by 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Meet your Congressional Representatives. See THE Documents in the Library of Congress. Donate a dollar or two to some shelter for battered women or V.A. hospital.

Leave Washington DC a better place for our having passed through. Make it an annual thing (any shooting matches or gun shows around VA that time of year?)

And leave the guns at home.
You're absolutely right, Werewolf. Take me, for example. I was raised to regard firearms ownership as normal and yet the very first time I walked into a gun shop I felt like a preacher going into an adult bookstore. Not because I felt that I was doing something wrong, but rather because I was concerned over what other people - namely those I knew, might think. My sister, for instance, who is afraid of guns, got that shocked look on her face when I told her where I was headed and when I excitedly mentioned that I was going to be buying my first gun several co-workers at the time asked me bluntly who I was planning on killing. Clearly, the liberals have been extremely successful in brainwashing the ignorant masses to believe that only a vigilante or someone intent on commiting a crime or murdering an aquaintance would have any need for a handgun. Consequently most gun owners prefer not to advertise this fact in public and will shy away from publicity.

Think about it.

Outside of Texas, and a few other gun-friendly states, most men are hesitant to mention their interest in firearms to potential dates or girlfriends for fear of scaring them off. Usually they do so only when the relationship has progressed to the point where the women know them well enough to accept it - or at the very least have come to realize that they're not the proverbial "gun nuts" referred to in the media. If you start talking about your new Smith&Wesson or AR-15 over dinner on a first date it'll usually be your last. Truth be known, the real problem isn't anti-gun politicians or new gun laws, it's our image. If we could only change people's perceptions of firearms the laws wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of passage.
GREAT IDEA!! How about April 19,2006. Patriots day as celebrated here in Maine and N.E. I don't know if it is celebrated nationwide, maybe it ought to be, and this will help get that recognition started. What better day than the day a handful of ordinary people on April 19, 1776 marched to Lexingon and Concord and took on the number one superpower of their time.The 230th anniversary.
I've been here done this not once but twice. The first time the SAS held a rally in DC (Mother's Day 2000) my name was on the permit filed with the US Park Police, and I was the one who met with them to discuss the details and logistics. So, I'm speaking from experience here.

First, do not hold the event on a holiday, especially Memorial Day or Independence Day. Not only do folks make other plans for those days, but the rally sites are reserved for official events.

Second, the event should be held on a weekend. Gun owners work for a living; they will not go to DC on a week day. Plus, if you ask to close streets on a week day you will end up pi$$ing off a lot of commuters. They may have been neutral on the gun issue prior to your event, but if you double their commuting time they will not support you in the future.

Third, you'll need money, and a lot of it. Why? Sound & Stage. Potties. Travel and hotel accomodations, and perhaps speaking fees, for your high-profile speakers. Insurance. Security. Trash pickup. Advertising.

Fourth, you'll need someone local to DC to coordinate with the Park Police. They're great to work with and they're happy to help, but they'll want to meet with someone to make sure that you've got the logistics covered.

Fifth, if you want to march, that requires street closings. Someone has to coordinate with DCPD; it's usually the person who is in contact with the USPP.

Finally - SAS just had a pro-gun rally in DC a few weeks ago. WHERE WERE YOU ALL????

The NRA doesn't do rallies since the return on investment of the time, efforts, money, and other resources required are very low. They can get more "bang for the buck" by mass-mailing their members and asking them to contact their legislators. 100,000 calls/letters/postcards/faxes to Congress are a lot more effective than 100,000 people on the Mall.
Not on Earth Day.

I'm always busy with my yearly tradition, roasting a California condor over a tire fire in a strip mine.

I'm interested.

I need to go on my first road trip, and DC sounds entertaining. Especially if there's gonna be a pro-2a rally. Sept 13th sounds good to me, but I'll be able to make time in my calendar regardless.

1500 miles doesn't sound that bad either!

edit: Hmm, should I take the gun rack out of my Geo Metro before leaving?
You want a date, I'll give you a date... (and something to think about)

Make it on the anniversary of the liberation of one of the German concentration camps. (Sept 13th would be a great date but it would have to be this year).

One other point to think about... many have asked why the NRA never held such a rally. When asked that question the response is always the same.... Its not worth the risk of having only a few people show up. Honestly I agree. It would be devestating to have such a rally and not have the expected turn out.

There is also another factor to consider. If the rally is a success it MAY get SOME coverage. If it is a flop it WILL get EXTENSIVE coverage. It is therefore a big risk and a strategy would have to be very broadly formulated with dozens of different groups.

I'm not saying forget the idea. What I am saying is that you MUST either do it right or not do it at all. ANything imbetween would be devestating.
You said it best!!!!!!!!!!!

Bubbles stated:

"Finally - SAS just had a pro-gun rally in DC a few weeks ago. WHERE WERE YOU ALL????"


It is easy for people to punch some computer keys and say they will do this or that or will show up etc.

I CHALLENGE YOU (whom ever started this idea) TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND DO THIS!

The amount of work is overwhelming. NJCSD is trying to do this in N.J. for our Trenton Rally on July 16th against the MMM. Any NJ Gunners, Step on up to the plate and join with us OR continue to bitch and complain as the state bends you over for another round like they always do.

NJ Gunners,
The time IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why not have a THR/TFL shoot the day before/after somewhere in VA or elsewhere that would be closer to get to DC? Might sweeten the pot.

Only problem is stashing the guns when we go into occupied territory.
I'm chiming in a bit late here, but I'd think either Patriots' Day (19 April) or Veterans' Day would be likely candidates with some symbolism to them.
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