Minn. Democrats attack new carry law

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Jan 3, 2003
MPPA Under attack

Repost Far and Wide (e-mail ALERT from Minnesota CCRN)

OK they just won’t stop. The Senate DFL is determined to screw gun owners. The fight continues until midnight on May 19.

It is time to light up the phone again. The MPPA hasn’t even taken affect yet and the opposition is using Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) on our supporters. They are saying:

That all permit to carry holders are just criminal in training and that we will at one point or another misuses our permits and firearms. This is so incredibly insulting that I cannot even begin to express my contempt.

What they cannot accomplish through the issuing process they are now going to try and accomplish through limiting venues (place were firearms are not allowed). Cities and municipalities are requesting the authority to “Post†their “facilitiesâ€. This wording is very important. If a city can post its facilities it can essentially ban permits to carry since it will be argued that streets and sidewalks are city facilities. Now they are saying they only concerned about “City Hall†or the “Rec†center, and but at least two cities have already openly said they don’t care what the legislature says they will ban permits on city property anyway.

It truly is unconceivable that such behavior should be rewarded.

You must act now and call and write our supporters in the senate. We ahve to keep up the pressure for the next 10 days until they ajourn. Tell them the following:

1. Permit Holders do not deserve to be treated like second class citizens

2. That allowing cities to do as they please will create a disaster that no one will be able to follow.

3. That gun control advocates have to scare you now because by next February (when the permit to carry report comes out) and as in the past no permit holder has done anything wrong their argument goes away.

4. That the reason public property cannot and should not be posted is because it belongs to the public. Cities have a monopoly on all kinds of activities and services. Permit holders cannot vote with their dollars or go anywhere else for many of these services. They will therefore be treated terribly.

5. Look at the facts, not the fear, not the uncertainly, look at the facts. Permit holders do not misbehave.

We need to get on this right now. Call and e-mail. At this time E-mail is probably better because they are spending a lot of time in session where they have their computers and read their e-mails.

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Stumpf, LeRoy A. DFL (651) 296-8660
Skoe, Rod DFL (651) 296-4196
Tomassoni, David J. DFL (651) 296-8017
Bakk, Thomas M. DFL (651) 296-8881
Langseth, Keith DFL (651) 296-3205
Sams, Dallas C . DFL (651) 297-8063
Saxhaug, Tom DFL (651) 296-4136
Sparks, Dan DFL (651) 296-9248
Kubly, Gary W. DFL (651) 296-5094
Vickerman, Jim DFL (651) 296-5650
Ruud, Carrie L. R (651) 296-4913
Larson, Cal R (651) 296-5655
Koering, Paul E. R (651) 296-4875
Fischbach, Michelle L. R (651) 296-2084
Kleis, Dave R (651) 296-6455
Wergin, Betsy L. R (651) 296-8075
Nienow, Sean R. R (651) 296-5419
Dille, Steve R (651) 296-4131
Ourada, Mark R (651) 296-5981
Frederickson, Dennis R. R (651) 296-8138
Rosen, Julie A. R (651) 296-5713
Neuville, Thomas M. R (651) 296-1279
Day, Dick R (651) 296-9457
Senjem, David H. R (651) 296-3903
Kierlin, Bob R (651) 296-5649
Limmer, Warren R (651) 296-2159
Olson, Gen R (651) 296-1282
Ortman, Julianne E. R (651) 296-4837
Robling, Claire A. R (651) 296-4123
Pariseau, Pat R (651) 296-5252
Knutson, David L. R (651) 296-4120
Michel, Geoff R (651) 296-6238
Hann, David R (651) 296-1749
Gaither, David R (651) 296-4314
Jungbauer, Michael J. R (651) 296-3733
Johnson, Debbie J. R (651) 296-3219
Bachmann, Michele R (651) 296-4351
Reiter, Mady R (651) 296-1253
LeClair, Brian R (651) 296-4166
Belanger, Jr., William V. R (651) 296-5975
McGinn, Mike R (651) 297-8073
Sheila Kiscaden Ind (651) 287-6845
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I'm at a loss on this one. In Minnesota, cities possess only those powers that are delegated to them by the legislature (or implicitly related thereto). In this case, it seems to me the legislature has spoken quite clearly:

Subd. 23. [EXCLUSIVITY.] This section sets forth the complete and exclusive criteria and procedures for the issuance of permits to carry and establishes their nature and scope. No sheriff, police chief, governmental unit, government official, government employee, or other person or body acting under color of law or governmental authority may change, modify, or supplement these criteria or procedures, or limit the exercise of a permit to carry.

I'm not the final word on this, but as far as I can tell, any city that tries to establish more restrictive standards is just asking for trouble. The city council members just figure it's good publicity; if the city gets sued, so what, the taxpayers pay the costs of their defense; they probably won't get sued personally (don't bet on it); even if they do get sued personally, the monetary damages, if they lose, will be about zero (probably true); and it's nearly impossible to recover punitive damages against individual council members (it is possible, but difficult). I love how they take an oath to uphold the law, unless they think they can score some points with voters by violating it.
This should give us all an insight into what would happen if we did get a sweeping, Roe v. Wade style ruling in favor of the 2ndA.

The left is only interested in the law when it suits their purposes - if not, they will usurp, obstruct, lie cheat, steal, etc.

Same thing seems to be going on in Denver.

Personally, I like to see it. Make 'em show everyone what they are all about.
"The left is only interested in the law when it suits their purposes - if not, they will usurp, obstruct, lie cheat, steal, etc."

Aw, come on now. You know they only do what is considered sensible and for the children.:rolleyes:
Were there any Democrats supporting the carry law in Minn?
Were there any Republicans against the carry law in Minn?

Here in Michigan, several Dems worked hard to get our "shall-issue law passed.
Here in Michigan, several Reps were against our "shall-issue" law, while others gave luke-warm support.

The issue of self-defense crossed party lines, both For and Anti.
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