Minor Shooting Without Supervision?

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Nov 7, 2005
Southern California
I have a cousin that I want to take shooting around my house in the hills and fields. What I want to know is it ok for him to shoot unsupervised by a person over 18 while I'm in another spot? He's 13 or 14 I'll have to ask him, but he took the hunter saftey class and has a minor's hunting license (general) We would be hunting jack rabbits and ground squirrels (both open season varmints right?) and he's quite familiar with guns and saftey procedures. The shooting would take place on county land, not in city limits. This is in southern CA too. I read the 06' law on firearms in CA. In our county it has a thing that I understand as saying that if he has a hunter's license he can shoot unsupervised. Keep in mind that is MY interpretation of the law because it says he can if he's supervised by an adult OR if (something) OR if he has a hunter's license. So what's the verdict you thinks? Also, their are some neighbors around, but most of em' don't mind me shooting and we would be a ways away from their houses shooting 22's.
My, have things changed (for the worse).

Nobody would bat an eye when I would, at age 12, take my .22 out of my bedroom closet, walk across three city streets, cross a drainage arroyo, and then load up the rifle and hunt jack rabbits. I did this just about anytime that I wanted, without specific parental permission, and certainly without adult supervision.

I imagine that if I was 12 today my parents would be up on child abuse charges.
Not sure about the law in your area, but as far as age & supervision goes, it entirely depends on the maturity level of the child. IIRC, Annie Oakley was hunting alone at the age of nine.
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