Misguided Fudds or false flag operation?

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Feb 27, 2004
Article on the Bull Moose Sportsmen's Alliance

Allegedly a hunting and conservation group, they support universal background checks, etc. Are these guys legit? Do they really think that if they roll over and lick master's hand, he'll never come for their shotguns and deer rifles? Antis will point to them and say, "See? The gun owners want more restrictions!" Never mind that they have 5,000 members versus 4.3 million NRA members.
Don't give them a dime, they are as false a flag as there is in hunting/shooting.
It's another phoney pro-hunting organization likely sponsored by the brady's.

Despicable as the tactic is, at least this one really exists; The tool that showed up at the Denver capital in favor of gun control claimed to be the chairman of "Rocky mountain hunters & shooters", of which not even Bing, Yahoo, google or any other search engine could turn up a trace.
Eh, there's lots of hunter-only types in the US. What's in their hearts isn't as important as what they DO/SAY. Fortunately, they've historically proved to be so ghastly ineffective that they usually disappear within a year or two anyway.

While millions will join an organization striving publically to fight against a dire threat to our freedoms on all fronts (how the NRA portrays itself, and how most of us view the matter), very few will pony up a dime to join an organization striving valiantly to ... you know, sort of stand kind of in the middle a bit and give up some guns so we can maybe keep some other guns, so long as that doesn't, like offend anyone or frighten anyone and it's ok with the good folks in Washington... :rolleyes:

It's almost more of a surprise that a "national organization" of only 5,000 people got any mention at all in the press.
X-rap said:
Don't give them a dime, they are as false a flag as there is in hunting/shooting.

Good lord, I wasn't considering supporting them!

MachIVshooter said:
The tool that showed up at the Denver capital in favor of gun control claimed to be the chairman of "Rocky mountain hunters & shooters", of which not even Bing, Yahoo, google or any other search engine could turn up a trace.

I kinda figured the article itself was meant to lend legitimacy to the group and others like them by association.
Sam1911 said:
Eh, there's lots of hunter-only types in the US. What's in their hearts isn't as important as what they DO/SAY. ... very few will pony up a dime to join an organization striving valiantly to ... you know, sort of stand kind of in the middle a bit and give up some guns so we can maybe keep some other guns, so long as that doesn't, like offend anyone or frighten anyone and it's ok with the good folks in Washington

It is the milquetoast, unprincipled political platform that makes me suspect they are not what they seem. Most folks that take the position you accurately describe can't be bothered to call their representatives, let alone form a group that actively supports candidates. For that reason I suspect they are at best useful idiots, at worst a false flag.
There is a legitimate organization called the Roosevelt-Browning Hunting Club, which had been around for quite some time now.
Group was made by the campaign of DEMOCRATIC senator UDALL
While calling itself “nonpartisan,” Bull Moose Sportsmen is run by Democrats. Co-Founder Gaspar Perricone, who told Politico that, “Background checks fall within the ethics of responsible gun ownership,” is a former staffer for Sen. Mark Udall, Colorado Democrat. Politico also ran an op-ed by Mr. Perricone on Thursday entitled, “Hunters Chart Middle Ground on Guns.” The other co-founder of Bull Moose, Tim Mauck, was Mr. Udall’s finance director and was paid $4,743 by the senator’s campaign in 2012.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...ont-group-hyped-hunters-media-/#ixzz2QvhVVKAy
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So a group of 5,000 who no one has heard of is an important group to listen to, but a group of 5,000,000 must be ignored? Yeah, the MSM isn't biased! :fire:
OK, so you want to bitch and complain about this FALSE FLAG
but no one is willing to call them out on twitter or facebook
no one is willing to make sure that the first thing seen is the Washington Times article??

NOW IS THE TIME TO PUSH BACK, you at least take the 2 min it takes to call them out in an electronic forum, to DEPRIVE them of their soap box, to make sure OTHERS know they don't speak for gun owners.

Or do you really want a replay of the Brady Bunches Sportsman associations????
The group Perricone co-founded with another former aide to Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado, The Bull Moose Sportsmen's Alliance, took the unusual step this month of releasing a poll that showed wide support among hunters for universal background checks.
Tells you what it is right there -- formed in a Senator's outer office. Tell me it ain't a false flag!!
Well, they got the BULL part correct!

Another "We are pro-gun, there's no two ways about that," goof uncomfortably and conspicuously fiddling with yet another double barrel shotgun and talkin' pro-gun outa one side of his mouth with a whole bunch of buts, howevers and alsos out the other side hiding sentiments supporting the infringement of my Second Amendment rights.

I just get dizzy and distracted when one of these utopians says that they're only trying to advance sensible measures which will "stop" another (insert your favored tragedy here).

He finishes up with this pearl:

"Perricone said one of his greatest fears is that any sensible gun restrictions are blocked, and then another tragedy like Sandy Hook sparks calls for more severe regulations. "I don't want to see the nation get to the point where they feel nobody should have guns," he said."

Make no mistake, there will be more tragic events in this, a nation of free men and whether or not we bend to current "sensible" demands will have exactly NO bearing upon the next round of demands with the end game being confiscation.

Bending now just means the bar will already be lower next time around... and there will always be a next time until everything including their beloved repeating and multi barreled shotguns are ground and melted into scrap.

Purely a fake organization, like the "Hunters Against Assault Weapons" MAIG front that testified repeatedly in the Colorado battle.

Michael B
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