Missouri Bullets Buys Penn Bullets!!

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Apr 12, 2008
Home of the Pittsburgh Steelers
Well ,just a box of our famous .45 270gr.Thunderheads.
Brad ordered a box a few weeks back and I shipped him out a complimentary box at no charge.

On another note, almost everything is going well. and my winter help has started so orders are moving along nicely even though there is still an ongoing backlog.
I will be off a bit around Christmas (the 23rd) as I am going in for another follow up surgery for kidney stones. A chronic problem that keeps cropping up from time to time.
The guys will be working on orders and shipping while I recoup for a couple of days.
Good luck on the kidney issue. Doctors, hospitals, and surgery are never fun no matter how well they go.

On another front, are you ever going to offer the 335 gr cast bullelt in .475" caliber that you mention on your web page? Us 480 Ruger shooters would love to see it.
Starting in 2011 I'm going to finish some new bullets that have been on the back burner for awhile. The .475 335 gr will be one and hopefully the .44 and the .41 mag Thunderheads will be out by mid year.
New designs really got pushed back with the insanity of the last two years under the current political regime and resulting panic.

its time to move on and bring these to market .
Dang! I thought we had a breaking news story, and I would soon learn that Brad had taken over the industry! :D

Good luck with your surgery. And take good care of your nurse. ;)
My initial response was, "Why?" :D

I tell you, kidney stones are a pain!

Take care and speedy recoveries. Hope things all work out for you.
I can't answer the why? only Brad can do that.
And yes kidney stones are a pain. Its a problem that has plauged me from 2000 on.
A lot of people have passed on homeopathic remedys and none of those work on me . I kept them at bay for 2 years thru really high hydration of 1.5 gallons a water a day but when things got insane here from the political changes when Obama got elected I fell back into my past habits of working much and drinking less. Hopefully with a change in diet and some buffereing to change the bodies PH to a more alkaline condition I can get off this merry go round.
Thanks everybody for the well wishes, thoughts and prayers.
Best of luck with the kidney stone procedure, Robert. And I say "luck" because the medical profession doesn't seem to have a clue as to what really causes them. Fortunately, I don't get them, but my son has a bout with them at least once a year.

If you ever find out what causes them, and a cure, let me know and I'll pass it on, (so to speak).
Hopefully with a change in diet and some buffereing to change the bodies PH to a more alkaline condition

At great risk of derailing...
How does one change their PH levels? Is it anything like my hot tub? I have been told my dry itchy skin is from a PH imbalance.
My internal PH as described by my Uroligist/Surgeon is that I am smack dab in the middle of the PH range that is perfect for forming stones.
As with everything I don't do anything halfway so in addtion to producing IMHO the best cast bullets I produce as my wife says Boulders not stones.
While others produce stones in the mm range mine run in the CM range for size. Before I lost my left kidney to cancer the stone there was a massive struvite stone that was between 9-11 CM in size. The current stone in the upper pole is over 2 CM and there are some smaller stones in the lower pole which he is doing first on the 23rd and then the upper will be tackled later thru a different procedure since that one about 8 weeks ago went awry and he did not get it.

I have an appointment with a kidney specialist this friday and hopefully he can shed some light on this. There are apparently buffering compounds that one can take that will raise your internal PH.
I'll pass on any info that may help.

So far I gave up most of my iced tea ( tannins), nuts , spinich (foods with high amounts of oxlylates) and I don't drink pop except for the occasional Coke with pizza and lowered my red meat intake. we'll see if that with some outside help will do it.
High hydration does work and I drink only distilled water 99% of the time but you have to push the amount way up and you have to do it every day not just once in a while. It gets tiring drinking that much water but limes and lemons help.
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Beer, Indeed...

Robert, you have my profound sympathy and most earnest wishes for success with the new doc. Currently I work in the O.R. as a circulator R.N., and that includes workng in the ESWLs (lithotripter stone blaster) and conventional cystoscopy-utereroscopy procedures, like lasertripsy and stenting/stone removal, and percutaneous nephrolithotomy. My wife also has stones, so I get exposure on both sides. It is correct that there is no definitive treatment for the underlying causes - only indivualized approaches for the patient. There are genetic factors which predispose to stone formation, and internal pH is one, but that is neither the only nor major factor. To sum it up, if your DNA inclines you to develop stones, you're SOL genetically speaking, and can only do what you can in the face of a real case of bad luck from Ma Nature.

NOW, having spewed all that, beer has always been recommended by urologists I have worked with over the past 30+ years, and one hospital had a fridge stocked with it on the urology wing for stone patients. Recognizing a good thing when I see it, I have engaged in renal lithiasis prevention on a very determined basis, and thus far have been successful. I continue to hope for other advances, especially since my wife drinks about one beer a year, and when she's delivering one of her mm-sized rocks day-to-day life comes to a screeching halt until it hits the porcelain (or the little party hat strainer). So, Robert, if it's within your treatment parameters, I hope you'll relax and have a cool one; if not, relax, I'll have one and toast your succesful recovery and continured success with metals and minimal dealing with minerals... ;)

Seriously, best wishes for getting through all this and for a speedy return to the important things, like designing new bullets! :)

Cheers, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
George Jacoby
Just my luck. and I know this flies in the face of many but I don't like beer.
I can usually get one down and part of a second before I quit.
Wine on the other hand I can drink with great success and quantities when I indulge.
Yea, my stones can't be handled thru the litho I have to go cysto on the upper stone and the lowers are being done thru the perc method. I am sitting here with the nefro tube in my back that has been there since the last surgery about 8 weeks ago. its been a lot of fun.
One urologist that I saw in the hospital now is saying of all things lemonade is a preventer! I can live with that if true.
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Has anyone mentioned the milk connection as one factor in stones. Milk drinkers are less likely to get kidney stones than non milk drinkers.

Doctors are divided on the subject. Some say that its too much calcium and tell their patients to cut calcium, others say that its too little calcium and the bones leach calcium into the bloodstream to serve the body in other areas...some of which form into stones.

I have two identical twin daughters. (36 years old) One hates milk and never drinks it...and never takes calcium supplements either. She's suffered 2 stones starting 3 years ago. The other daughter drinks a lot of milk...has no history of stones. We the parents have always drank a lot of milk. No history of stones.
RE: kidney stones and beer

That's the only good thing about having kidney stones, you get the green light to drink beer...the ultimate definition of "pleasure and pain".

I suffered through them for years, almost always during the summer. Finally, a doctor asked me if I eat a lot of ice cream and drink a lot of tea. Of course, being summer, the answer was "yes". He told me to stop enjoying both, together. I could have one or the other but not both at the same time. He said there was reaction between the tea and the ice cream that was causing the calcium to solidify in my kidneys. I've not had a kidney stone since he told me this (knock on wood)...
As to OP, we still haven't heard from Brad why he bought those bullets.

I am curious ...

Maybe market research for product testing?
So a competitor buys bullets and you rush their order meanwhile dozens of people are still waiting for their order that have ordered before said competitor and have not yet received their order. Not impressed.:rolleyes:
So a competitor buys bullets and you rush their order meanwhile dozens of people are still waiting for their order that have ordered before said competitor and have not yet received their order. Not impressed.:rolleyes:

That's called "professional courtesy," found in most professions. I wouldn't be impressed only if he didn't respond that way. One box of bullets isn't going to make a big difference to all his customers...being discourteous to a fellow bullet manufacturer...would make a difference, especially to his reputation in the business....he may need his back scratched sometime.
Actually Brad waited 3 weeks like about 98% of our customers out there. When the .45 Thunderheads came up in their cycle I filled all those orders including his. You are right that sending them at No charge is a profesional courtesy in the buisness.

I have said it before and I'll say it again: Its not when you order but what you order and how often that bullet comes up in the cycle of things.
1 bullet in an mixed order that is a low demand item can delay the order for some time which is why I have split out the speciality bullets from the regular production ones and that has been a big improvement. If the customer insists that all the bullets be shipped together to save ship costs then that can add to the delay.
Now having said all that, I am working over the next several months on improving inventory and speeding up the whole delivery process.
The expansion at the foundry was the first big step in that endeavour.
The next is procurement of more materials to fully utilize that improvement and next year a new truck is on the horizon to make that a reality.

Finally if I can stay out of the hospital and avoid health setbacks:banghead: then 2011 should see some very substantial improvements overall including the addtion of new bullets to the line.

Its a work in progress.

As to the milk thing I drink a pretty good portion of milk with my cereal and oatmeal cookies. My doctor doesn't have an issue with milk being a culprit.
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NOW, having spewed all that, beer has always been recommended by urologists I have worked with over the past 30+ years, and one hospital had a fridge stocked with it on the urology wing for stone patients.

Yet another fine testimony that beer is not just for breakfast anymore!!!:) I'm on blood thinners and have been pleading with my doctor to replace that "rat killer" as it's often referred to with beer which has many medical advantages to heart patients. He has yet to give in.

Hey that 270 grain Thunderhead is one nice flying bullet, I tried some of those in my Marlin 1894. They wouldn't load out of the magazine because of the OA length of the loaded bullet which is a terrible shame because they are very accurate, cut the cleanest hole in a target you've ever seen and pack a punch where it lands.

Bob you might want to open another market selling them to other bullet casters for resale since they are so desirable. LOL
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