MO LTC incidents?

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Mar 31, 2003
I was talking with a coworker, (who's more of a 'gun-nut' than me, nice surprise) and the subject of LTC came up. Has anyone seen any stats on defensive use of LTC in MO. I haven't yet. Of course I realize that the vast majority of incidents (I showed them the gun, they ran away) wouldn't show up anywhere. What I'm wondering about are the more overt, "attempted robbery foiled by LTC owner", kind of thing. And I know that the car carry aspect might have an impact too. Thanks for any help.

There have been a couple incidents, but generally there hasn't been any effect. Even the St. Louis Post-Dispatch had to admit that blood hasn't run in the streets. Ultimately, while crime hasn't dropped, it also hasn't increased as a result of shall issue CCW.

If there is no major downside, and there hasn't been anywhere shall-issue has been enacted, then the people should be cut as much liberty as possible. It's better to argue it that way than promise huge crime reductions; usually, permitholders are a small enough segment of the population, it takes quite a while to amass any kind of arsenal of anecdotes about crimes prevented. I have read several accounts from people, but at the same time, for some reason the MSM seems to not mention them at all.

You might want to look at for more information specific to Missouri's CCW permit and results of it.
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