Modern crossbows

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Lone Star

Jan 3, 2003
Look at the tang stamp on the large blades of older Victorinox and Wenger Swiss Army knives and you'll see a stylized image of the famed Wilhelm Tell's crossbow. He's the Swiss national hero, who killed an Austrian dictator with his crossbow. The guy who had to shoot an apple off of his son's head to amuse that dictator....

Crossbows like that are still made in Europe, and I think they cost the proverbial bundle. But there are cheaper ones and some good ones, I hear.

I have a crush on Finn, the crossbow-armed blonde chick in some episodes of the Third Season of, "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World", a TV series made in Australia that aired here in new episodes from 1999-2002, and was in syndication much longer. It still appears as re-runs in some countries, and You Tube has many videos featuring clips of the show. Lara Cox played Finn, faking a US accent. You may have seen her also in a 2010 movie (DVD) called , "The Marine 2", in which Lara played the hero's wife. Good action movie, surprisingly well made and acted. Trailers are on YouTube.

Anyway, do you use a crossbow? Can hunters use one in your state? Are there any good ones that don't cost a lot? Or that do, if quality is in line with price?

Got photos to post? Or photos of Lara Cox, with or without her crossbow? :D
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