Modes of Carry and For What Purpose?

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Sep 13, 2006
Out in the Woods, West Central Missouri
From another thread about the obviousness of carrying using fanny packs. One poster implied that those who use these and other "more" obvious modes of carry were idiots.

I have experimented with many different modes of concealed carry. No one method is suitable in all situations or all venues.

I suspect that many of you (like me) have several holsters, belts, jackets, bags, vests, (and guns) etc. All in an attempt to make CCW a normal part of your day in all situations. There just ain't one best way to do it. Each has its advantages, compromises, whether it be mode of concealment or type (size) of firearm. In many situations wearing a safari (fishing, travel, photo, etc)vest or jacket can make you stand out just as obviously as wearing a fanny pack.


1) What difference does it make that those of us who carry recognize the methods that others use to carry?

2) Are we concealing from other CCWs? Or from the general public? Or the police? Or the bad guys?

3) Some states open carry... are they at a disadvantage because the public sees the firearm?

In all seriousness... what is more important?

Carrying comfortably with the gun more accessable?
Or having it so concealed that it is uncomfortable or having to redefine your whole mode of dress around your firearm?

Isn't the whole purpose of concealment really so that we CCWs don't freak out the general public, especially those predisposed to being antigun?

So what if some bad guy notices? I think that would be a deterrent? Muggers and rapists usually don't pick victims that they consider a threat. And they typically wouldn't attempt their evils in the presence of someone with a gun (be it John Q. Public or a uniformed policeman).
I conceal from the bad guys. And to a lesser extent, the general public. From the bad guys to give me the element of surprise/shock. And from the public to not freak them out. I tend to dress in jeans, t-shirts, and old tennis shoes, so if I open carried, I would prolly get mistaken for a BG more. I think if I dressed in nice khakis and a preppy shirt, people might assume I'm "official" and ignore the pistol. I guess I could wear my ACU :evil: That would basically stop any and all weird looks from both public and LEOs + discourage BGs. But the Guard doesn't like us wearing our unis while off duty :(

To answer your questions, I'm not hiding from other CCWers. If they took the trouble to get a license they understand me carrying and are probably not criminals. I think people who open carry, MIGHT be at a slight disadvantage id the BG continued with his crime even after seeing the pistol. Because the CCWer would lose the surprise. But I think most criminals would just see the pistol and turn around. And I think comfort and accessibility are the most important. If it shows a little and there's no law against it, no harm done.
Isn't the whole purpose of concealment really so that we CCWs don't freak out the general public, especially those predisposed to being antigun?
For me, a cover garment is more to keep rain, dust, mud, and cow manure off my gun ;)

That other folks don't see it is more of a bonus.
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