Montana Gun Group Accuses NRA Staff of Malfeasance

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Makes me mad enough to bite nails. :cuss:
Montana Gun Group Accuses NRA Staff of Malfeasance
Sierra Times - via News Release

Missoula, Montana - The Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA) is harshly critical of National Rifle Association staff for conduct MSSA says is killing pro-gun legislation in Montana. MSSA recently had a bill before the Montana Legislature, HB 693, to clarify the right to self defense with firearms. MSSA blames the failure of this important bill on a deliberate determination by a mid-level NRA staffer to undercut the bill by withholding NRA support.
In the February issue of the American Rifleman, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre took a strong stand in his Standing Guard column about employers who fire workers for having a firearm in a personal vehicle, perhaps associated with hunting before or after work. LaPierre said, "It pits corporate policy against the constitutional rights of the little guy, the individual citizen, with the NRA foursquare on the side of individual rights." In LaPierre's March Standing Guard column, he praises Marion Hammer of Florida for advancing the same type of legislation the NRA has declined to support in Montana.

MSSA President Gary Marbut commented, "Despite these strong positions by LaPierre, Randy Kozuch, director of NRA/ILA's State and Local division, actively headed off NRA support for Montana's HB 693, which would have accomplished exactly what LaPierre called for and praised in his February and March columns. This is precisely the sort of SNAFU so common with mid-level bureaucrats in the NRA. Some unaccountable Beltway denizen in the NRA bureaucracy obstructs what both the leadership and membership of the NRA want and need."

Marbut continued, "MSSA is a member of the NRA, maybe the most politically successful organization affiliated with the NRA. We went through NRA channels to seek NRA support for HB 693. Our request stopped cold at the desk of Kozuch, who decreed that the NRA would withhold support for HB 693. Kozuch also took the same stance on MSSA's HB 366, which declares that firearms made and retained in Montana are not subject to federal regulation under commerce clause authority. The NRA also failed to support restoration of funding for shooting range development in HB 2. I'd bet a dollar to a donut that Kozuch is guilty of similar obstruction in other pro-gun states. Such NRA staff obstruction creates more problems for gun owners in pro-gun states than all the gun control groups put together. In this respect, the NRA becomes a problem just like the federal government -- you get some unaccountable bureaucrat dictating state and local policy from a sensory-deprivation chamber in D.C."

"Having declined to support these bills," Marbut stated, "the NRA has also deprived itself of any scorecard issues by which to effectively rate legislators in upcoming election cycles."

"The lack of NRA support has essentially doomed my HB 693 in the Democrat-controlled Montana Senate judiciary committee," stated Rep. Jack Wells, HB 693 sponsor.

Montana's NRA Director, Jay Printz said, "I've been in Iraq for a year, and I'm surprised to return and learn that the NRA is not supporting pro-gun legislation here. I want to know why."

Curtis Oda, (recently elected Utah House of Representatives) noted, "The conduct of Randy Kozuch is not in the best interest of the efforts of law abiding gun owners nor the NRA. His actions have the same effect as sabotage -- no different result than if he were a plant by the anti-gunners."

Montana State Representative Roger Koopman, former employee of NRA/ILA and NRA field staff, commented, "It's a travesty when a key person in the NRA hierarchy is able to derail important, pro-gun legislation. They act like they're the only show in town -- there's an arrogance to that. They end up undermining the efforts of pro-gun activists in places like Montana. This has got to stop."

Montana Senate Judiciary Committee member Aubyn Curtiss opined, "The rejection of this bill on a party line vote doesn't reflect the opinions or wishes of the vast majority of Montanans."

HB 693 has been under development by MSSA for two years, and the Montana Legislature will not meet again in regular session until 2007.

"The NRA needs to end this ongoing embarrassment by simply replacing Kozuch" Marbut concluded.

MSSA is the primary group asserting the rights of gun owners and hunters in Montana. MSSA has obtained passage of over 40 pieces of pro-gun and pro-hunting legislation in the past 15 years.

Reprinted with permission from:
Anyone from Montana who is involved with this who can comment. I'd like to know if this is factual.
Any NRA official who is giving aid and comfort to the anti 2nd Amendment forces should be REMOVED IMMEDIATELY! End of story!
This type of action is not unheard of unfortunately, Here in Maryland there is the ever present threat of anti gun legislation. Sanford Abrams, a member of the board of directors has openly stated that concealed carry will not pass in Maryland and therefore is not worth the fight. Here is an e-mail I sent to some of the "free state" pro 2A'ers:

One suggestion to add to this list is to get the NRA and Sandy on our side. Each month I receive America’s 1ST Freedom from the NRA. Each month somewhere in the publication is mentioned how the NRA is advancing 2nd Amendment Rights. Yet I consistently see reports like the one not to long ago from Montana where the NRA has failed to act. Here is a specific quote from this month’s issue:

“For Marion Hammer…winning has never meant simply “not losing†or just “holding the line,†it also means gaining new ground in redefining the rights of the individual.â€

It is in bold print right at the top of page 10, and is part of Wayne LaPierre’s column. It’s not that I want to pick a fight with the NRA. I simply believe they can be MSI’s best ally. They have the money, they have the influence (for better or worse), and they have the members. I would suggest we reach out to Sandy and Jennifer Palmer and ask them to hold with the NRA’s stated mission. Since most of MSI’s “members†are already NRA members this should not be that difficult.

As for methodology I would suggest treating the NRA much like our legislature, by that I mean be polite and courteous. Let’s start at the top and see if we can’t get some folk’s attention. Here are a few phone numbers to start with:

Wayne LaPierre
NRA Executive VP

Marion Hammer
Member of the Board of Directors

Sanford Abrams
Member of the Board of Directors

Written letters of course will have the most effect, correspondence with Kayne Robinson, President of the NRA, may be sent to:

National Rifle Association of America
Attn: Kayne Robinson
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030

If we lobby the NRA enough they should come around.


I wish I could share more of the dialouge going on here in Maryland but I am not going to post others e-mails to me. The simple background is this:

Tail end of last year myself and some other pro 2A activist met with a supportive MD senator. Sanford Abrams aka Sandy, attended the meeting. Sandy single handedly trashed any effort to get a shall issue concealed carry law introduced in the Maryland Senate. There were witnesses to this that are members of this board.

The time has come for NRA members like myself to take the NRA leadership to task. Either you support legislation as you claim publicly, or get out of the way. No more back room deals or access lobbying. I want straight up protection of my rights. It is not enough to just "hold the line"

This should be investigated by the NRA and if the facts are as stated Randy Kozuch should be fired immediately.
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