Baiting deer is (or at used to be) legal in Michigan.
While I have less than zero use for poachers, I have less use for Michigan DNR. When I lived there, if you got stopped by them, you got a ticket and fine. Period. They would find or invent something to get you. I had a friend that was duck hunting. They quit well before legal time ended, took their guns and ducks back to the truck, then went back to get their decoys.
When they got back to the truck, it was a few minutes after legal shooting time. A DNR officer was their waiting. They all got ticketed for hunting after hours, even though their guns were in the truck.
I had another friend that was duck hunting. The DNR officer went through the whole routine. Legal limit. Used steel shot. Legal license. Their shotguns were auto loaders. Officer asks where the empty shells are. Obviously they were either back in the blind or in the water. He ticketed them for littering.
I wouldn’t hunt when I lived there even though I had my own land.