More Praise for Inova Flashlights

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Dec 24, 2002
Nashville, TN
I just wanted to say that if anybody is looking for a line of excellent flashlights at very good prices, give the Inova line by Emissive Energy a chance.

I got my first one, an X5 more than a year ago and I am still on the same set of batteries and it is as bright as the day I got it.

At this point we currently have six Inova flashlights and the quality and workmanship on all of them are spectacular as are the beam profiles, battery life and brightness. We have three X5s, two T2s and an XO3.

The X5 is a floodlamp multi LED light that is rated for 20+ hours and I believe it. The X5 is the best all purpose flashlight I have ever used.

The T2 is a 40 lumen tactical light rated for 5+ hours. Great throw and great knurling and tailcap click switch.

The X03 is an 82 lumen tactical style light that puts out a hell of a lot of light and has impressive throw. It is rated at 2+ hours. This is a great outdoor/tactical light.

All are 2 CR123 battery lights and all are regulated so their output will be non-dimming for the rated burn time. After the rated burn time like other LEDs they will dim but still provide usable light.

I am attaching a couple of pictures for comparison sake.

The first 2 show all the lights as compared to a two AA Mag Light.


The next image shows the lights on.

The Last image has the mandatory gun in it. :D
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