More Progress In Illinois

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But Shicago still has that one high-ranking official that ranted recently about having his officers "deal strongly" with anyone carrying in "his" town.

Things haven't changed that much. Just "on paper".
...from the article...

"The measures approved by a voice vote on Wednesday complied with the new state law. In addition to eliminating the gun registry, the measures eliminated the requirement for gun owners to have a Chicago firearm permit."

This is particularly good because now, more and more honest, upright citizens will begin to take back their right and opportunity to own and posess firearms.

My brother who lives in The Windy is a very law abiding citizen, and not one to "rock the boat". He and others like him can now legally posess. Now that the door of opportunity has once again cracked open, a trickle of people will avail themselves, but before too long it will become a good sized stream, and then a gusher.

This is Great News!
Keep up the good fight folks! Freedom is not paid for once but every generation must fight to keep it.
the real news here is

"Chicago has faced a wave of gang-related violence that pushed its murder rate to a five-year high in 2012. While the number of homicides is down this year, police have complained that the city is awash in guns."


""gun registry in place since 1968"

so clearly, the gun registry did not prevent the 250 homicides as of mid-august and countless other non-fatal shooting events that would merit a felony if CPD were doing its job.

yeah, it's great that we had two big victories back to back here. but we need to push the message that the gun registry was a failed policy.
yeah, it's great that we had two big victories back to back here. but we need to push the message that the gun registry was a failed policy.

Exactly! All it does, as we know, is to keep the honest folks from having arms.
And I think it eventually gives the false impression that since the citizens can't defend themselves, the police will always be there to do that for us. Definitely a false sense of security.
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