more than just Colts and Remingtons

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I hate this guy's music choices and I think some of his pictures are from guns made AFTER the ACW..... and wasn't S&Ws original .22 short a seven shooter?

I did not make it through the slide show.

They were beech loading. The battery gun used a long strip that held cartridges much like Maynard cartridges on it that was dropped into the rear of the gun then butted up against the breeches. They were fired by a percussion cap that ignighted a train of powder.

That big Vandenburg was also breech loaded and fired paper cartridges. I suspect the Vanden berg may have been the source of the idea for the French Millteusse (sp?) (Come on guys I can barely do English so give me a break on French, eh?)

Apparently the Billigquist battery guns actually worked rather well for guarding bridges or the moats of fortresses.

See, I did go back and suffer through the whole thing.

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