more verbose. more clear?

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However, I just completed the definitive version.

Definitive, but maybe not accurate.

I am pretty sure that women did not have the right to defend themselves against abusive fathers/husbands. A woman had a right to defend herself against social inferiors - people poorer than her, of a lower socio/economic group, etc.

For example, it's pretty clear that in much of our nation, a black woman had no right to defend herself against a white rapist. Can anyone disagree with that? A poor white woman employed by a wealthy white man probably had no right to defend herself against rape.

The hard issue uncovered is that the women today have more rights - even rights to self defense - than a woman 100 years ago. The problem is that states restrict the means of self defense from some people who had that right 100 years ago.

It's hard to capture that complexity in a poster. I suspect that you will have to abandon either truth or simplicity.

You could make it "She had a right to carry a handgun!" and "She doesn't!" - and since both women are white and look to be of approximately the same social/economic class, you might be technically correct. But that's pretty weaselly. :)

Regarding the first version, MD doesn't allow most people to carry.

The cat should be in both photos.
I would add the date to the one on the left, and "today" to the one on the right, so it doesn't seem dated in four months.

Also, she'd look more "Victorian" with her hair up.
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