Moronic news report

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Dec 26, 2002
OK the story hasn't even completely run yet, but they just did a preview and for some reason I thought it was hilarious.
They're going to talk about how the CCW bill just passed in Ohio and will be going into effect soon, there is definitely going to be a negative slant on it because its following up on a story about a driveby shooting and is titled "More guns on the street"

The funny part, they did the obligatory gunshop counter sweep shot showing all the scary handguns sitting the in the counter waiting to bite. Then they showed the obligatory scarey guy buying a this older guy shouldering an over under shotgun and testing its swing :D
I'll bet he'll be carrying it in his waistband :rolleyes:
"More guns on the street"
Why the hell can't they qualify those sorta statements ... it should include .. ''in the hands of law abiding citizens, who have a right to protect themselves and their families''. Now if they meant "More guns on the street in criminal hands'' ... that'd be different but then we'd sure as heck want to know why??

I wonder if they'll bring up the other classic ...... ''rivers of blood'' ... that's usally popular!:rolleyes:
First time I handled a PPK/S, it took a little bite out of my thumb! My fault, of course, but that won't stop me from holding a grudge. ;)
When will they ever learn?

They'll shut up in about a year when the reduced crime stats hit the presses. You'll wonder how so many loud mouths can disappear so completely. Where DO they all go :confused:
When I hear "More guns on the street," 2 things come to mind...

1) "Good! It's about time!"

or 2) "Well, shoot! Somebody'd better go pick 'em up before they get run over!"
I like the idea of the 'streets' being 'awash' in guns. Hmmm, did the tide bring in a Tokarev today? I'll just go to the beach, and pick up a Barrett, or a Baretta.

Ooh! A wellspring of ammunition!
The local news media here in Columbus has been making a lot of hay out of guns the last few weeks. The unfortunate happenstance of the "serial shooter" being caught just weeks before the Ohio CCW law goes into effect has whipped the media into a feeding frenzy.

They are hitting just about every negative angle on guns that they can, running at least one or two stories a week on "concerns" over the new CCW law - everything from Sheriff's concerns about the avalanche of applications, to new training for the police, to new training and guidelines for EMS workers who transport someone carrying CCW, and on and on... All of it with a negative slant.

It didn't help that the "serial shooter" bought a handgun at a local store just before he disappeared to Vegas, and oh yea, as the media was quick to point out, "he has some mental issues and why didn't that prevent him from buying a gun" kind of hand-wringing.

The worst was the story that started out about the shooter being caught in Vegas and ended as a story about the new Ohio CCW law going into effect soon - complete with the obligatory gunshop case video shot and the equally obligatory innuendo filled rhetorical questions about the new CCW law and its consequences.
They'll shut up in about a year when the reduced crime stats hit the presses. You'll wonder how so many loud mouths can disappear so completely. Where DO they all go

Gun control groups rarely let facts stand in their way. They'll come up with some statistic somewhere to twist out of context and keep on trying to ban guns to "protect the public".

There seems to be too many people in the media that share those goals and a lack of respect for the truth, so I forsee the more good the CCW law does, the louder they'll yell.
How about free tickets to Austrailia or England for all antigunners?After all,it's exactly how they want it....less guns,more crime.:p
the more good the CCW law does, the louder they'll yell

That has not been the case around here. After 3 years I see no articles attributing the carry law to criminal incidents or calling for tighter restrictions. It'll all blow over Ohio, just give it time. Liberals are very poor losers.
I just had an idea - and I think I'll do this...

Real Soon Now, I'm gonna do the local concealed carry course, get a license, and all that...


I'm gonna sue 'em for libel, since they're insinuating that I'm dangerous.
I like the way you think Bogie
Maybe we can get it in front of a jury of THR members :D
A free ticket to Australia for the anti-gunners? Why should we send them back home? I vote for a free ticket HALF-WAY to Australia, with a kick out the plane door when the fare runs out.

It is funny how each new state that gets CCW has reporters panicking how the streets will be awash in blood. Afterward when it does not happen they never come back and say I was wrong I misjudged all you honest citizens . Reporters seem to believe the worst of the law abiding and seem to manage to aplogize for the worst of society and give them a pass.But remember there is no bias in the media.
They'll shut up in about a year when the reduced crime stats hit the presses. You'll wonder how so many loud mouths can disappear so completely. Where DO they all go.

Most go to California. Some even make movies. There's good money in Hollywood for socialists these days..
Hey, what would you expect from media in a Damn Yankee State.:evil:
Here in Tennessee a lot of reporters have CCW.
I should know, I are (heh heh) one.
Yep, Damn yankees alright ;) I'm sure I'd fit in better down south somewhere :D
The funny thing about us being one of the last states to get some form of CCW is all the sheeple who start to panic about it taking affect. "There's going to be guns everywhere"
Actually there are right now, its just the criminals who have them

"but but but now anybody could pull one out any time, you could be in line at the grocery store and the guy next to you will have a gun!"

Have you ever left Ohio? You have? You've been in a state with CCW and didn't even know it.

" :what: "
{"but but but now anybody could pull one out any time, you could be in line at the grocery store and the guy next to you will have a gun!"}

And he won't try and steal your wallet OMG!! Heck he was probably the guy that opened the door for you when you entered the store. He has a job and kids and pays taxes. Come on folks do we really need those kind of people with guns?!?

It just makes to much sense for some people. These a Organizations meant to keep you afraid all your life. Kinda like the boogyman; It makes them stronger. People that think for themselves and protect themselves don't need protective organizations to hold their hands.
They'll shut up in about a year when the reduced crime stats hit the presses. You'll wonder how so many loud mouths can disappear so completely. Where DO they all go

National violent crime rates in the US have gone down virtually every year since 1974. How often does the media make a big deal about that? In fact how often do they mention it? And how often do they in fact imply the opposite? The media isnt IN the truth buisiness, they are in the ENTERTAINMENT business.
Why do the shop owners or gun show managers let the press in? They KNOW that any footage shot is going to be used in a bad way. Why give the enemy the ammo he will use to shoot you in the back?

Is it the same reason that Republicrats are so nice to the Demopublicans, instead of going for the throat when they have the chance (which is what the Demopublicans would do if the situation was reversed)?
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