Mosin bolt disassembly

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Jul 16, 2009
I'm trying to disassemble a Mosin bolt. I can't seem to unscrew the bolt to get the spring out. I need to clean the cosmoline out of it. I have other mosins that I have no problem with. Any suggestions on how to break this thing down?
Grab the cocking knob, pull back and twist to the left a quarter turn, decocking the bolt. Pull the bolthead and connector bar off the front. Then place the body pin-down on something and use the forked connector bar as a wrench on the flat sides of the firing pin. Unscrew it, the pin should pop downward, and the cockingpiece should fall off.

Easy as can be.
Ooooh, I know what's wrong. Nothing is locked up, you're just going at this from the wrong end. :) You don't unscrew the firing pin using the screw-like notched disk in the middle of the cocking knob. That is the end of the firing pin, but that notch is used for you as a place to twist the firing pin to, as you adjust firing pin protrusion. Actually, you just take off the bolt head, guide rod and bolt body off of the cocking knob/firing pin assembly. Then, grip the cocking knob in one hand. Take a pair of pliers (I actually use the notch designed for this on the teardrop-shaped tool that comes with Mosins a lot of times), grip the flat sides of the firing pin near the cocking piece with the pliers. Twist the firing pin whichever way makes the firing pin come forward. Rotate/unscrew the firing pin until it comes out. That's it! Post pics after you get her clean!!

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