Motel Robbery

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Apr 9, 2004
Grand Prairie, TX
A few weeks ago KDFW TV in Dallas ran a story about a robbery that has been stuck in my mind ever since.

A family of four with 2 small children checked into a brand name motel on the south side of the city. During the night, several BGs wearing police-style raid jackets, with the word "POLICE" clearly marked on them, kicked in the motel room door yelling "Freeze! Police!". The BGs were supposedly armed with shotguns, handguns, and an AK 47. The family was tied up and robbed suffering minor injuries and some serious psychological trauma. The police spokesman said that there have been several similar robberies in recent past.

The victim's obvious mistake was failing to install wedges under the door, or at least angling a chair under the doorknob, to reduce the chances a sudden intrusion. Then what? Dial 911 and hope somebody shows up before the BGs get tired, bust the door, or come in through a window

Even for those of us who carry 24/7 this is a tough scenario.<br><bR>If it really is LEO kicking down the wrong door, shooting the first person through the doorway is not going to win you any friends.

If its BGs impersonating LEO, failing to shoot first could get your family killed.

Any way you cut it, a gunfight with your family in the middle would be a nightmare.

I think everyone can agree that the best defense would be a heavily wedged door backed up by a 12ga shotgun with a full magazine of buckshot. Some slug rounds in reserve might also be comforting. That was the easy part.

I have a hard time deciding how to handle the situation from there. My first thought is to fire a round into the mattress followed by a verbal warning. That will guarantee a couple of things.

1) You will have lots of attention from neighboring rooms.
2) Whoever is on the other side of the door will KNOW beyond all doubt that you are unwilling to receive guests.

If the doorknockers are BGs, that will probably convince them to go elsewhere. If it really is LEO, they will not go away, but they should adopt a more cautious attitude.

Once you have confirmed from 911 that it really is LEO outside, you can arrange to surrender peacefully. You will have some very serious explaining to do. However,

* LEO will have to explain why your door was being kicked.
* You are only out the price of replacing the mattress and your children's therapy bills.
* Everyone is ALIVE.

In the worst case if you are forced to shoot, try to move to a position as far away from your loved ones as possible. I left out the option of including the spouse as a shooter because somebody has to get the kids under cover unless they are old enough to know what to do.

Anyone have a better solution?
If LEOs break into your hotel room,

and you have a gun in your hand,

they will kill you.

I am confused about how firing a round into a mattress achieves anything.

A bad guy (or cop) may be bemused (for a nanosecond or two) about why you are wasting the first round.

Either way, cop or felon, they will kill you.

This is a problem without any tidy solution.

I know what I will do.

The only thing I agree with is the part about moving away from your loved ones. You might have them pre trained to:

a) drop to the floor

b) run (or crawl) out of door if/when it seems doable.

c) rally at family auto, motel lobby, or other point designated at checkin. This is also part of the fire drill.
I am confused about how firing a round into a mattress achieves anything.
I was too at first...but I think he meant to fire the round while they're still outside 'cause you wedged the door, buying time, not as they are coming into the room. :uhoh:
Wedges Only Buy Time

If you are waking up to people in your room, you have already lost the battle.

The first round into the matress is only in the event that the wedges hold long enough for you to get ready to receive the assault. The basic idea is to give the attackers a reason to reconsider their actions, and possibly disrupt their plan. I simply could not come up with anything better. I did not want to fire blindly through the door for obvious reasons.

As far as having the family crawl/run for the doors, every motel room I have ever been in had only one door. The only window in the room was right beside the door. The next time you drive by a La Quinta, or other motel, look at the layout of the room entrances.
Thanks for the clarification on when shot is fired into mattress

The crawl/run for the door is AFTER a delay, and assuming the bad guys are distracted fighting you, and family members grasp the opportunity. Obviously high risk, but your family members won't gain by staying in the room if they aren't fighters.
If it wasn't for no-knock raids, this wouldn't even be an issue. Just saying...

Personally I take an expandable rod with me that will fit under the doorhandle. If someone was forcing their way inside I'd aim in on the door (12 gauge) and call 911. If non-fighters were present, they could take care of the phone issue, preferable from the bathroom. As soon as the door cracked open I'd begin firing at any target I could see.
Shooting the door


Shooting the door definitely will get their attention, and:
1) Weaken the door's barrier potential.
- Structural integrity is a good thing.

2) Recklessly endanger potential third parties.
- Buckshot does have overpenetration problems in building materials.
- I won't even go into the problems with using slugs indoors.

Shooting the door is not a smart move in my opinion.

IMHO - As soon as a target presents itself, all bets are off and you defend yourself to the best of your ability.

The real question revolves around what to do in the initial moments of the assault when you are not sure who the attackers are.

The BGs in the news story identified themselves as LEO and were wearing standard LEO equipment with the prominent "Police" markings when they kicked in the door.

Gunshots attract attention and generate calls to 911. I doubt the BGs would have stuck around until the real LEO showed up. In this case, your main problem is solved. You pay for the matress, fill out the police report, and move on.

If LEO is the cause of your problem, they will not go away, and you must take some other kind of action to de-escalate things. I'd rather not make myself a "shoot on sight" target by sending that inital round in their direction.
A question for LEOs

If this is going on and assuming
I have the door adequately blocked

I have a hands free cell phone or can other wise use it and remain armed to recieve the attack

The family is as safe as their gonna be.

If I dial up 911 and tell them that there are people trying to break my door down and that I am ready to fire on them. Would the dispatcher tell me to relax it's just the police, or would they have no idea or not be allowed to say
It would really depend on where you were at if 911 knew anything about a warrant being served. In much of the country 911 is answered at a centralized location and calls are tranferred to the appropriate agency. I wouldn't count on the 911 operator knowing anything about an ongoing operation.

Yeah I figured as much

It was just a thought I had once, while watching a bounty hunter report on TV, that has resurfaced occasionally when I hear or see threads and stories like this
"Violence of Action" they call it

If you pop a round off and there are really LEOs outside that door, your goose is cooked. The first principle of "Tactical Entries" is "Violence of Action" meaning you come in hard and fast with overwheming force. If you know there are guns in there, and someone is already shooting, you're going to pop the door, flood the room with officers and shoot anyone with anything in their hands.

In a military situation, you frag the room and then clear it. :)
That's a tough situation. All I know is that I hope I'd have something better than a sidearm or two in the face of shotties and .308 semis.
Well, the odds are you'll be lucky and they'll only have .223 semis.

That way, after they shoot you 5 or 6 times and are evaluating the failure to stop you can explain the unfortunate mistake AND advise them to get a real rifle. Heck, on the way to the local out-patient clinic to get band-aids for your wounds you can let them know about this forum and all the good info it contains......
Hahaha! Funny one, carebear.

I guess when staying at a Holiday Inn Express one must assign everyone a shift on the sentry roster.

(Okay little johnny, what are your General Orders?:) )
Souring up the door to get extra time is a good idea. Then yell, "I HAVE A HOSTAGE!" if they keep coming, shoot!
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