Movies with explicitly anti-gun plot elements

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Aug 11, 2010
I mostly wanted to find out if "American Sniper" is a movie I should be spending my money on.

I heard that Bradley Cooper wanted it to push gun control, and I have read things which make me worry that Clint Eastwood isn't the RKBA advocate that many think he is. At the same time, I know Chris Kyle's family would be very upset if they dishonored Chris, and I doubt Chris would be happy if a movie about him at all advocated gun control.

If the movie is something Chris Kyle would approve of, then I very much want to see it.

There are a few movies which I know are anti-gun and which most on this site would probably like to avoid for example "Runaway Jury" and "Shoot Em'up" which IMO was a clear swipe at the gun industry.

**EDIT** Due to rampant misunderstanding.

This post IS NOT about avoiding anti-gun actors.

This post IS about avoiding anti-gun movies.
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Eastwood is a US Army veteran. He was also mayor of Carmel-By-The-Sea CA.
I never heard any anti gun or staunchly anti CCW rhetoric from Clint Eastwood.
Cooper is a actor. He didn't even plan to play Kyle, only produce the film. Actor Chris Pratt was scheduled but couldn't do it.
If Cooper or any other Hollywood type has anti gun views or anti CCW politics I do not care. :mad:
I'm not watching them, I'm watching their characters.
I don't get swept up in all the hype and politics with the Hollywood crowd.
I'm sure I have gun & 2A views other gun owners or 2A supporters might disagree with too but I'm not a Hollywood actor or producer.

Don't get unhinged over movies or TV shows. Actors, producers directors, athletes etc do not care what you say or think.

Where did you hear those things? Can you attribute them for us?

Chris Kyle's wife was involved from start to finish and she's said in multiple interviews that the movie honestly portrays her husband for the man he was and the passions he had. No need to even consider turning our backs on American Sniper or the Kyle family.
No need to even consider turning our backs on American Sniper or the Kyle family.

I never said anything about turning my back on the Kyle family. I said I didn't believe they would support a film which had anything anti-gun in it.

and I plan to see American Sniper, but some of the stories I read before the movie came out made me afraid there may be some anti-gun swipes in it.

this for instance

I originally wanted to start a thread asking if anyone had seen American Sniper, and if my fears were unfounded, but I thought that might have been considered off topic.
If you ever want to be able to watch most Hollywood movies, you're gonna have to just accept that a huge portion of actors don't support RKBA. I started to go that route but it seemed like there was zero movies that qualified. For instance, Bruce Willis is pro-gun, but some of the other actors in his movies are anti. It's just the way it is, I like my movies too much. :D
Always over thinking about guns and Hollywood. Bogie was one of the biggest leftest in the movie industry. A proud card carrying Democrat. So was Richard Widmark, Barbara Streisand and Fredric March and so many others.

We simply have to separate our ideology and art. Really. ;)
Eastwood is a US Army veteran. He was also mayor of Carmel-By-The-Sea CA.
I never heard any anti gun or staunchly anti CCW rhetoric from Clint Eastwood.

Maybe I am letting an inaccurate Wikipedia article cloud my mind. But I read that he stated on Larry King, that he didn't see the need for anyone to own an assault weapon. He has also supposedly supported the Brady Act, and there is a video which has been taken down, in which he talked about gun control charities.

This thread has some sources, but I am not sure any of them are accurate or can be found online.

If Cooper or any other Hollywood type has anti gun views or anti CCW politics I do not care. :mad:
I'm not watching them, I'm watching their characters.

I agree...but the in the article I posted above in reply to hso, and in the following article, he clearly stated he was anxious for this movie to address gun control.

My concerns are not over an actor whose politics I may not agree with acting in the movie, my concerns are that he will push his politics IN THE MOVIE.
Eastwood has some anti-gun tendencies but I don't think he's a radical about it. I see his movies portray movie violence in a really bad light for example. Unforgiven in particular showed the true horror of what a murdering outlaw is really like and that's in the old west or any time. And guess what, he's right about that. Hollywood has long profited off of making heroes of killers and Unforgiven is the biggest slap in the face of that phenomenon I've ever seen. Killers aren't heroes. The movie is more than that but it is a theme for sure. No one in their right mind should glorify killers like Hollywood does and Eastwood took a big swipe at them for doing it.

His movie, Gran Torino, was also anti-gun violence and showed the hero sacrificing himself to end it at least in part.

He may speak out on gun control at times but it hasn't been a loud enough voice to drive off his customers. You don't see him on the View bad mouthing Americans. If he thinks assault weapons are too much that's his right. I don't think he abuses the position we gave him to promote that idea though. I can't fault anyone for having a position no matter how much I disagree with it. Hollywood types rarely grow up in a world where guns are truly needed like the world I grew up in. Up until the day he died my uncle preached to me about keeping my guns and he knew I thought just like he did. I learned it from him. Most people don't get that and they don't see the need that I see. It's up to us to convince them I guess. And to protect our rights for future generations.

Eastwood certainly questioned the need for "assault weapons" but I guess he never had to worry about a mob burning down everything he owns. He most certainly has armed guards to protect his stuff. Like most limousine liberals he doesn't seem to get it that we deserve to be able to protect ourselves too even if our lives aren't as big as his. He claims not to be a liberal but in this area he certainly is. But he's not as in your face about it as most Hollywood types.
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Mark Wahlberg is another who made money acting with a firearm.

Well, I would love it if they could take all the guns away. Unfortunately, you can’t do that so you hope that good people in the world have them to protect the people who can’t protect themselves.
Certainly, I haven’t used a gun anywhere other than on a movie set and I’d like to see if we could take them all away. It would be a beautiful thing.

Mark Wahlberg
April 26, 2007
If the issue is gving money to antigun movie makers, plan on not going to the movies. MOST aren't going to portray the appropriate or realistic use of firearms, it's the rare instance when they do. Firearms - or for that matter ANY weapon used in movies - will usually be misused or tactically misapplied.

If at all, look for the movies that get it right - which is a short list.

As for the actors, remember - they are actors, people paid to say things. Only. What they say after the shooting or otherwise in public is measured by how it enhances their reputation with the public and that directly affects the payout their agents are negotiating.

What they actually think? I could care less. They, IMHO, can't be trusted from one movie to the next. They are ACTORS, with no political credibility whatsoever. Unless, of course, someone is giving them some kind of respect for pretending to be the people they portray.

Ah, um, just read the gossip columns (known as the Hollywood crime beat.) Drugs, spousal abuse, sexual infidelity, blah blah blah blah. These people aren't superhuman, they are just as subject to the lure of too much money and the people surrounding them are trying to slice out a piece of that pie.

They aren't blessed with superhuman intelligence, most are normal like you and me, they are spun, scammed, manipulated, lied to, and used. Why give them any attention when they aren't even knowledgeable or experienced in the use of firearms, self defense or the military arts?

Just enjoy the characters they play. Diving into the backstory of Marion Morrison isn't going to do anything to enhance that ripping macho image of him in a Green Beret. Most actors are just people and to quote Mr. Morrison,
'Each of us is a mixture of some good and some not so good qualities. In considering one's fellow man it's important to remember the good things ... We should refrain from making judgments just because a fella happens to be a dirty, rotten SOB.'
(from Wikipedia.)

Well, we should refrain from anointing them for whatever they portray, too. Just actors.
Wikipedia should never be used for 'facts'. It's nothing more than someone's opinion.

Wikipedia has plenty of facts, as well as manufactured just need to use the citations to check those facts. Unfortunately not all citations can be found on the internet.

I'd also like to clarify, since people seem to misunderstand.

This is not about avoiding anti-gun actors or anti-gun directors.
This is about avoiding anti-gun movies.

Anyone who has seen Runaway Jury clearly knows it is an anti-gun movie.

I'll just come right out and ask what I really wanted to ask with my original post.


Is it worth seeing? Has Bradley Cooper snuck any anti-gun propaganda in it as the articles I posted above suggest he wanted to do?
Unless you're a movie critic, you probably haven't seen the flick yet. I know it doesn't open up here 'til next week.

I read the book. Chris Kyle was a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. As for the actor who portrays him, how could he "sneak" anti-gun propaganda into a movie when he didn't write the screenplay?
Most hollywierd movies have antigun elements sprinkled in or simply distorted gun info laced throughout. Sometimes it is tragically comical. For example, in the Walking Dead zombie tv show, members of the group are horrified at the sight of guns and even the gun toters initially prohibit some members from having access. This is ballanced out by guns saving their asses in every other scene. So conclude that guns are bad but zombies are worse. Dawn of the planet of the apes also appears to be anti gun by showing bad guys doing bad things (murder, false flag crime to start senseless wars, etc) while the hero bans guns. Imho it is still worth seeing, in 3d, twice. Guns kinda still save the day in the end. I have learned to accept their ignorance and misinformation. If anything, i am inspired to get a Hollywood Revolver with the invisible 50 round magazine. Those things just go and go and go without ever running dry. Sometimes we stop an anti scene to take time to talk about reality. I really like it when your kid stops the film to explain the mistake or proclaim "good thing they had their gun for protection". Thank god it's just fantasy entertainment. Just relax and enjoy the show.
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Unless you're a movie critic, you probably haven't seen the flick yet. I know it doesn't open up here 'til next week.

I read the book. Chris Kyle was a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. As for the actor who portrays him, how could he "sneak" anti-gun propaganda into a movie when he didn't write the screenplay?

I choose not to give money to such an actor.
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