Mr. Polite Had A .357...

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about 100.00 dollars

As to hearing protection and actually being able to hear during confrontations in home.

I have a few pair of the ear muffs that have built in microphones that shut off at high decibels [ like gunfire ] and they are used at the range and even while hunting as they AMPLIFY all sounds and protect the ear too.

That's a better option than the foam plugs that were being discussed. It won't give you that second of time back, but at least they won't be hindering your hearing when you most need it.
I've been thinking of buying a pair of those 4-microphone earmuffs. They're supposed to provide better horizontal spatial queues... some front-to-back orientation in addition to right-to-left.
I have shot a 357 in doors a barn to be exact and it left my ears ringing for a day and a half.

PTL he is safe and he needs to read Mas and Lee on what NOT to say.
If I have indications that I'm pressed for time (noise on the stairs)... I can leave the plugs hanging on the hook...

If not, slipping them around my neck doesn't limit my hearing....

If I get to my spot and am waiting for the line to be crossed.... I can slip them on my ears if I want to... at that point, my use of force will depend on what I SEE when I light up whatever is crossing the line.

Criticizing others with online games of armchair QB is not a game I enjoy playing... and as I said b4... you do what you like.

Just because you carry a crescent wrench and a socket wrench in your tool kit, doesn't mean your doomed to have the crescent wrench strip every frozen nut you come accross.
I'm a very light sleeper and got used to wearing ear plugs (foamies) when I was on the night shift. Got to the point that I can't sleep without them. I can still hear enough to know a sound thats out of place. I can grab my night stand gun and flashlightand be locked and loaded with a light in a small handful of seconds, hearing protected. I can pull my weak side ear plug if I need to hear better.

Once, I shot my .45 without HP outside. Wouldn't want to knnow the pain of blasting it off inside a hallway. Woldn't want to know the pain of getting shot by a BG, either. getting shot AT was enough for one lifetime.
I keep a pair of ear muffs with my HD shotgun. Once I know that the bad guy is in the house I don't need to hear small sounds anymore. No one lives downstairs and we have no children.
Does anyone else find it amazing that he survived the encounter without a 511 tactical vest, bug out bag full of ammo, or a Saiga shotgun?

Maybe there's a lesson there...
Does anyone else find it amazing that he survived the encounter without a 511 tactical vest, bug out bag full of ammo, or a Saiga shotgun?

Maybe there's a lesson there...

I somewhat agree.

He had the high ground and the layout of his house created a killbox. The intruders fled at the sounds of gunfire instead of continuing their advance. Things could have went differently if those things hadn't happened.

While I won't say that he needed the things you mentioned...higher capacity or means of a fast reload along with a good light may help greatly.
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