MSNBC: Obama on Tuesday "lets ban big clips"

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Dec 22, 2010
Lawrence O'donnell claims he will call for this ban and other gun controls Tuesday night at the State of the Union address to the nation. we go again!
It ain't gonna happen with this Congress. Even the Dems are really jumpy about anything dealing with gun rights. They got burned really bad once before and they are not about to stick their little fingers up against the stove again.
They went way to the left in Bill Clinton's first year too and got burned for it and they went way to the left again in 2009 and 2010. They got burned for it this last November. Don't ever doubt that the liberal leftists in the Democrat party won't try to restrict any of our freedoms.

In some ways I sort of hope they do try some more anti gun shenigans along with the President. That way we can get more of them and the President replaced in 2012.

But do not ever doubt the ability of the Republicans to cave in and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
It would be a very sad day to see federal restriction on magazine capacity. It amazes every time it happens (seemingly more and more frequently) how supposedly "educated leaders" can pass laws that are based on so little logic. I started to become quite convinced that people, in general, are idiots.
While a ban on high capacity magazines wouldn't mean that much on a practical level...politically, it would be a travesty. Let us hope that the would-be infringers truly learned their lessons from the last two dabacles, and stay well clear of 2A, because if they do this and get away with it, they'll be emboldened and they'll slip in and take another bite...and another, and another, and another.

If their memories are short, and they go ahead and do it...or even try it...use your vote to remind them that they swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. Remember their names come next election and throw the rascals out.
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