My 12yr old ringing some steel at 100yds

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Pretty good, enjoyable to watch a young-un popping steel at long ranges. :)

Now teach him something about politics. :rolleyes:

Terry :evil:
^ Sadly true.

But he's got to learn that the world isn't full of lollipops. By 12yo he's surely encountered some of that in schoolyard politics.

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.” --Heinlein.

...and learn a little about how politics works, from the caucus to the fraudulent voting.

I started late on that topic, so it's kind of a bugbear of mine. Sorry for the thread drift.

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Warms my heart,,,

Warms my heart to see a Father and Son enjoying a shared pastime.

My Pop and I had nothing at all in common when I was that age,,,
We got along great and there was love all around,,,
Just nothing that we could do together.

I was 46 and he was 66 before we found that,,,
Good on you for posting this for us to see.


Good shooting and great father son time. Looking forward to doing the same with my son once he's able (he's almost 3 WEEKS old lol, so it will be awhile).
Last night he was shooting my 1953 JC Higgins Model 31 iron sights and knocked down 4 out of 10 shots but hit a 5th plate but it didn't fall all off a sand bag. This was his first time shooting this far iron sights. I think if he sticks with it he should be pretty good.
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Train them young and train them properly, and continue to train,train,train.
Looks like fun.

Hope that tree wasn't the only backstop though, is there a hill back there or something?
Mmmmm... I hate to say this, but I agree about hanging targets on trees --first thing I thought of when I watched the vid.

Sorry, but that's kind of a bugbear to me since trees are precious and valuable things in most of Colorado.

No censure intended, no need to "justify" it to me, just "raising consciousness" about it.

The targets aren't hanging from the tree they are a knockdown tree but the elevation drops right there do it kinda looks like they are. This is a .22 only range so the tree should be ok
Very nice, father and son companionship. I taught all 4 of my sons to shoot, and also my one and only grandson. BTW I also tried teaching my 6 granddaughters which were becoming fairly good, then they got interested in boys, and guns became second fiddle so to speak. My grandson is probable the best young shooter I've had the opportunity to instruct. He shoots a consistent 23/25 at trap and he is only 16years old, in fact he has several 25/25, still working on 50/50 however.
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