My Buddy In The Guard E-Mailed Me This Re: Gun Confiscation In N.O.

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30 cal slob

Mar 2, 2004
Location, Location!
Sorry if this is more clutter, but I thought this was interesting enough to warrant its own thread. My buddy's an officer in a guard unit in another state.

The NG cannot confiscate firearms from citizens. That's not their job, that's a law enforcement function.

The NG would be conducting searches in concert with the local police, as a kind of auxiliary. They'd have the trucks and tags. I would assume that the law enforcement officer on hand would confiscate the firearm, which would then be tagged (yes, this is SOP, and this is also training for the troops.....when you take a firearm, documents, etc., you tag with details-it's for intell purposes normally, here, for chain of custody), then given to the NG, who would put it into a truck with other weapons, for transport to a secure position for processing.

The NG is quite limited in the scope of their freedom.


When we see the guard, we assume military occupation. But in fact, unlike the 1860s, the Guard is cooperating with local authorities and augmenting their strength, not replacing that authority.

I have to admit it, the Guard is respecting the authority of the corrupt mayor and anti-gun cops.
I've always respected the people in the US military who serve honorably, and have respected them for it.

Any member of the military who is a party to these actions in any manner is neither honorable nor deserving of respect.
The NG is quite limited in the scope of their freedom.
That's an interesting way of putting it.

I'd say they are "free" to disobey illegal orders. I'd say that they took an oath to "defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic."
I'll bet that the tagging of the firearms is spotty at best, and that none of the arms in question will ever be returned to their rightful owners - or, if they are, they will be substantially damaged, rusted, etc.
Please tell your buddy that we are more than disappointed hearing that National Guardsmen are participating in the confiscation of weapons from Americans.

Even the people in Baghdad were allowed to keep weapons for the defense of themselves, their families and their home.

It is a truly despicable act.
Is word getting out to residents that the police are doing this? If I was cut off from the outside world and a national guard or police patrol went through my neighborhood I would probably wave hi to them and not bother to hide my gun from sight. Most people dont expect their government to prey upon them.
No guns allowed in NO.

No PEOPLE allowed there either.

So... leave with your guns.
beerslurpy, I'd bet the word isn't getting out. I suspect that because they don't want to cause an uproar, and possibly armed resistance.
Even the people in Baghdad were allowed to keep weapons for the defense of themselves, their families and their home.

I would be highly skeptical about that, because the Iraq interim constitution explicitly states that firearms may be owned (only) with government permission. If they are being left with weapons, it would be informal.
What do you think is going to be the reception for the NG at the next disaster...?

That's the best thought I have seen all day, although I am not sure it's the NG I am worrying about.
This smacks of classic separation of tasks...

Evil is usually propagated by separating out the tasks, usually to both obfuscate the evil nature of the process, and to dissipate the responsibility for it.

One man schedules the train. Another opens the door. Another herds the Jews onto the train.......

Every man and woman who has participated in this is a walking disgrace, and has placed themselves outside our company.

For this to be made right, they must each answer to People through the Law.

Let their names be remembered in infamy, right alongside Lon Horuichi's.
Now we know that tyranny wont wear a blue helmet.

It will be American and instead of helping to pick you up off the ground, it will kick you in the ribs and take your wallet.

The people in NO have no way of knowing that the officers coming to their door arent going to help them, but will do quite the opposite. We should all learn from this and behave accordingly in the future. The government is not your friend, and it is not here to help you.

A million American Indians are laughing at us from the grave.
OMG! The sky is falling, the sky is falling, we're doomed! :rolleyes: None of this would have ever started if the people had GOT THE **** OUT before the Hurricane hit! Sorry, but if you don't have the mental faculties to leave before a CAT 5 Hurricane hit's your city, which by the way is below Sea level, maybe the responibility that comes with owning firearms isn't with them :scrutiny: . BTW it's the Dem Gov. and Dem. Mayor that are issuing this, this is what happens when you live in a Democrat controlled state. Among their handling of everything else, is it any wonder us in Texas now have a 250,000 new residents. :D
250,000 new residents that might vote out Tom Delay, John Cornyn, and KB Hutchinson and vote in gungrabbing trash like the misrepresentatives they had in New Orleans.

No thanks. Maybe we should start shipping them back as soon as things dry off. :scrutiny:
Yes, longhorngunman, those who left earlier didn't get their guns taken away. So......are you saying the penalty for poor judgement or even stupidity should be that we leave them vulnerable? When the Constitution lists our rights it doesn't say they're only for the wise.
The real question is that some of the folks are able to take care of themselves. They have food, water and power. They thought about it, and prepared.
For me, I'd be afraid to leave because of the trouble that everybody knew would happen.
longhorngunman: The houses in question are above ground, the people who stayed behind had no trouble surviving the storm, and being that it is a nice neighborhood I doubt they voted Democrat.

I would have stayed if I had a nice home, generator, food and water.
I would have GTF out of there, with my guns. Common sense says leave. You can replace your nice home you can't replace yourself or family. Like he said......Cat 5 hurricane, below sea level, mega lake, destruction and devastation predicted, I'm gone.
Too easy to second guess those who didn't anticipate levees being breached. Even if I left now, I still wouldn't trust that my property, so far undisturbed, would be protected. There is already the possibility of it all becoming a candy store for the police. Sorry, but they have some rotten apples.

I like the lady who wouldn't leave until there was help taking her dogs along. It is impossible to make this all simple with a couple of heartless zingers.

But one of the most valuable personal possessions, the guns, at least one, could readily be taken along (lower a bucket). They don't have to be loaded and they don't have to be in the evacuees immediate possession during transport.

This is a clear indication of prejudice against guns. Concern for safety of rescuers is crap until shots are fired. Contact close enough to confiscate weapons can only happen with people that have good intentions. It's just like typical gun control. If people are being shot at, disarm honest citizens and claim the problem has been dealt with.
I don't know why this suprises anyone. If you think for one minute that the GOP or Dems wouldn't grab your guns in this type of situation your crazy. After all remember what GW said when asked during one of the debates why wasn't the AWB renewed?? Hi answer was "when they send me a bill I'll sign it."
The implication here is that the NG is assisting in a policing-capacity.

The reality is quite the opposite as it is the police that have become more military in nature rather than the other way around.
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