My CCW was outed today...

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It's a shame you have to tell the CLEO you obtained it as a personal security measure and as such, want the info to remain confidential.

Maybe someone should start a website listing the names and addresses of folks who do NOT own any fireams. Criminals have a right to know.
RPVC Yemen - "A very good point. That's why I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA."

How ironic.

The NRA supports the First Amendment.

When was the last time you ever heard of the ACLU supporting the Second Amendment.

The ACLU is rabidly anti-Second Amendment, other than to say that the States can have a "militia" but "the people" have no Right whatsoever to keep and bear arms.

How about we publish the names, addresses and phone numbers of the reporter, the county workers who provided the information and the publisher of the paper in Guns & Ammo? Then they'd know how we feel.
This pains me greatly. I see everyone getting bent out of shape over some names in a newspaper, yet no real discussion of what appears to be a far more invasive list supplied by North Carolina.

This database appears to have medical information, alcohol and drug abuse information, drivers license numbers, home phone numbers, dates of birth and addresses. There might be more.

It appears as if those responsible for the site have removed a vast amount of information about normal folks, but post a lot of information about local celebs and public figures. Judging from the "nothing to see here" responses in the above thread, it seems the only way to get people motivated about this problem would be to disclose everything about everyone. As someone (and the wife, too) who is on the North Carolina list, I find this bothersome.

I'm sure Dale Earnhardt's widow feels the same way. Her CHP details are posted on the site:


On another note, I don't see anything technically wrong with the newspaper publishing the list since the information is public record. In my county, my personal details are already available online. There's pictures of my house along with the purchase information and address on the county website. Someone could look up the details on my vehicles, boat and RV as well. I'd suspect any lawsuits arising from the disclosure of any public record wouldn't make it past a motion hearing. Having said that...

.. this newspaper is a commercial enterprise. They are sunk without advertising revenue. If it were me, I'd contact the advertisers and let them know they're supporting this newspaper and, as such, I will not be supporting the advertisers with my hard-earned dollars. This is exactly the avenue the VCDL took with the Roanoke Times... and it worked.
I know I should know better from reading Darwin awards and worlds dumbest criminals but,

Isn't it kinda a stupid idea to try and rob/attack somebody who now is a known owner of a weapon? seems like a really easy way to get killed (for the crook).

Not supporting the "journalist" in any way just voicing my thought on the matter.
This was an obvious violation of privacy. If state laws require FOIA type disclosure then that is a loophole that should be closed. There are many government records that are considered private and confidential.

For example:
1. Barack Obama's birth certificate, or lack thereof.
2. John Kerry's military record.
3. Congressman Charles Rangel's income taxes.

Just because it is a government document doesn't mean that it is a public document.

Nor just because something is a public document doesn't mean that it should be published. A little self restraint on the part of the newspaper. Would they have published the home address of all nine Supreme Court Justices and the District Justices even though property purchases are a matter of public record? I doubt it.

Do privacy rights only apply to abortions? Or do the rest of us have any right to privacy?
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