My letter to the FBI (electronic voting related, technical but potent)

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Jim March

Dec 24, 2002
SF Bay Area
Please do NOT contact the agent in question on this. Let this cook on it's own.


Attn: Agent David Schmidt, San Francisco Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation


Agent Schmidt,

Thank you for speaking with me by phone yesterday afternoon.

The files you need regarding Diebold Election Systems and their apparent "sidestepping" of the Federal voting system certification process are in a series of PDF documents I have created. Rather than attach them I'll provide weblinks, as your EMail server will probably strip attachments due to security concerns.

I am going to CC three additional activists in this field. The information contained herein has been generally broadcast on websites devoted to this issue. Please note that the latest hard evidence obtained by myself dates to 8/16/06 (page five, first link below).

Let me sketch out some background, as the document set was originally intended for agencies such as the California Secretary of State who would be familiar with the certification process.

* Voting systems are certified under a set of standards published by the Federal Election Commission. These "Voting Systems Standards" were last updated in 2002 so you'll see references to "certified to the 2002 standards" or similar.

* The FEC approves private test labs available for hire to voting systems vendors for system review. Currently there are three: Cyber (formerly Metamor) and Wyle, in voting system certification offices based in Huntsville AL and Systest in Colorado I believe.

* For many years the paperwork for certifications and the lab's recommendations "yay or nay" on a given system were reviewed by a quasi-private organization known as "NASED" - National Association of State Elections Directors. NASED is funded in part by the voting system industry and theoretically represents the interests of state-level election managers, either Secretaries of State (California, Florida, etc.), sometimes the Lt. Governor (Alaska, Utah, some others) and sometimes state elections boards. The final federal stamp of approval on a voting machine is known as a "NASED number".

* NASED's functions on election certification oversight are being taken over by the new EAC, Election Assistance Commission. The EAC hasn't fully come "up to speed" and is still largely a non-entity. NIST (National Institute for Science and Technology) is also getting involved, slowly, but again mostly isn't at the controls yet. Put simply, the improved election oversight processes mandated in the HAVA bill of 2002 (Help America Vote Act) have been under funded (or unfunded depending on who you ask) and are slow coming online.

* 37 states require Federal certification before the state considers a given voting system. These states mostly do either minimal or no analysis of the security and honesty of the voting systems themselves, relying on the "NASED number" as a stamp of approval. Only one state does full local source code review, North Carolina, and even they don't do it themselves - they mandate that political parties can hire up to five programmers each to do so. Shortly after passing this sole independent source code review law, Diebold abandoned all marketing efforts in North Carolina citing this law.

The core issue that we are complaining about regards misconduct by Diebold - to be blunt, they mislead the certification staff and process about their products and in so doing evaded oversight of much of their key code. The effect was to prevent anyone outside of the company reviewing large amounts of custom software written and maintained by Diebold and functioning in their touchscreen voting systems. This is a fundamental violation of both the certification and the fundamental reason for certification.

This core misconduct is outlined in the following two documents: - an overview of Diebold's Windows CE-related fraud. Five pages. - the declaration of Dr. Richard Lee. This document must always be attached to the "Walkthrough" article above. Three pages.

Those documents represent an investigation occurring over a period of three years by numerous citizens concerned about the direction electronic voting is headed. I believe there is enough "probable cause" here (or available with a brief review of the public records pointed to) to warrant (pardon the pun) subpoenas and examination under oath.

Please understand that neither myself nor anyone else paying attention to this issue believes that this is Diebold's worst "sin" in terms of basic computer security violations. Rather, it is the most blatantly illegal and the aspect of their misconduct that you will have the strongest legal grounds to investigate.

In addition, some evidence points to persons unknown within NASED taking active steps to cover up this specific misconduct. It is not as solid or multi-layered an investigation to date but it's intriguing and if it holds, the implications are frightening. This same oversight process reviews all electronic voting systems in the US.

Those are the core documents.

In addition, I have prepared a 12-page broader overview of what else Diebold has been up to that may compromise electoral security:

Some of the issues outlined are...horrifying, but not illegal. Some are illegal. It will be a quagmire sorting out some of these docs past one of your more technically proficient agents/consultants and watch their face(s) go white. I recommend using this as background material, however if your agency starts by "digging deep" in the Windows CE issue (the core complaint) all sorts of other things will unravel.

Please understand that I am not the only one making complaints. This letter is from the head of the Alaska Democratic Party to his state's elections officials asking for an explanation of these issues: d=1155

This is a letter from a Wisconsin professional software tester to his state elections agency: d=51

However, as you can see from the level of interstate and Federal issues raised, ultimately this falls under the jurisdiction of the FBI and/or US Attorneys.

One final comment: the US Department of Justice has taken the position that at least some electronic voting machines are required in every state for "disability access" per HAVA. Lawsuits by that agency have been threatened against individual counties across America and the entire state of New York for one. This is not improper, so long as the Federal process to make sure those machines are reliable and honest is also enforced. The evidence available says it is not. If this is the case, for the United States federal government to use it's enormous powers to push systems that they themselves have failed to properly certify is, potentially, a hideous miscarriage of justice on a national scale.

I urge you, I beg you to take this complaint seriously.

Thank you for your kind attention,

Jim March
[email protected]

Bev Harris, Executive Director, Black Box Voting
John Brakey, Founder, AuditAZ
Brent Turner, concerned citizen and activist, San Mateo County
Interesting points though. I always wondered why when I buy a $1 hamburger two slips of paper print out telling me

1)where I am
2)what I ordered
3)The date and time
4)How I paid

Yet when I vote for PRESIDENT of the United States not only do I NOT get a slip saying who I voted for, but no hard copy is EVER printed out ANYWHERE.

Blows my mind.
Because, it not WHO'S running for office in an election but the HONESTY, ACCURACY of the people or machine doing the VOTE-counting that matters.
The issue affects everything to do with this nation. Everything.

If the "leadership" ever thinks they can stay in power through vote-hacking rather than actual elections, or at least maintain their party in power as long as it's close, they're no longer responding to US. The only ones they need to cater to are the county elections officials and voting system vendors.

Plus...this issue is the number one item converting Liberals from gun-grabbers to RKBA supporters. A few of us deep in it including myself, John Washburn and others are making that point every chance we get.
Mine eyes have seen the horror of the mangling of the vote,
These secret tabulators have us in a sinking boat,
A mix of geeks and activists try keeping us afloat,
But the HAVA bucks roll in!

Vote by touchscreen and we'll screw ya!
We've gone and rigged all the compyewtahs!

I have seen some bad code and then sometimes I see worse,
Like crooked federal lobbyists who wield a mighty purse,
Machines that jam the paper until honest voters curse,
The whole system is a sin!

Vote by touchscreen and we'll screw ya!
We've gone and rigged all the compyewtahs!

There are voting systems out there built by criminals and thieves,
They sell trash to gleeful registrars and nobody believes,
Every programmer who ponders gets a sudden case of heaves,
Toss it all in a trash bin!

Vote by touchscreen and we'll screw ya!
We've gone and rigged all the compyewtahs!

We're gonna take these junk machines and toss 'em in a pile,
With a tanker load of gasoline and light it with a smile,
It's that or watch democracy come to its final mile,
Hell no, we'll fight and win!
If the "leadership" ever thinks they can stay in power through vote-hacking rather than actual elections, or at least maintain their party in power as long as it's close, they're no longer responding to US. The only ones they need to cater to are the county elections officials and voting system vendors.

The only avenue of political force we have (aside from the 2nd Amendment option) is that we merely play into the 2 party system by appealing to one sides greed and lust for power over the other. Thus, they'll make some concessions for us if we get them in. That's all we'd be losing if what you say could happen via electronic fraud.

However, fundamentally and philosophically - we will NEVER get our agenda in the spotlight because it is unpalatable by the establishment. We will continue fighting against incrementalism and arguing endlessly over little bans here and there when in reality the movement as a whole is moving towards restriction, never repeals. Much like concealed carry - it is a decade long "victory" in that we got to carry guns, but by PERMISSION, which is actually devistating to the RKBA as it was intended.

It is like the fixed elections in Iraq. The Iraqi people cannot truly vote to tell the U.S. forces to leave. If you believe that...I've got a bridge to sell you. Likewise, while we have the illusion of choice here in America, our choices are limited to those that are approved by the government.

A simple way to think of it is, the government will never, ever allow any measure, law, referendum that will ever allow the citizens of the nation to realistically increase their capability to project force. Which is why the '34 act was the most important to the government. The idea is to prevent the populace from every achieving a parity in force projection - like that which existed in the 1770's. The greater the parity of force projection between citizen and government - the greater the freedom as the government is truly subordinate to the people.

Plus...this issue is the number one item converting Liberals from gun-grabbers to RKBA supporters. A few of us deep in it including myself, John Washburn and others are making that point every chance we get.

Can you expand on this please? I'm interested in how this works (being serious here). How does voter fraud issues turn gun-grabbers into pro-RKBA?

The only way I could think of would be out of fear...

I've check out DU a few times..and the only pro-RKBA'ism that comes out of people like that isn't because they like guns or believe that people should have a general means to combat a tyrannical government, but because they view Bush as the reincarnation of Hitler. See, they generally don't like the idea - but Bush is the exception. Also, they've lost a number of elections in a row, and the radicals feel as though they are disenfranchised and if it continues ...the only solution would be armed resistance against the Diebold hacking GOP (because in their mind, it is impossible for the GOP to legitimately win a few times in a row). That's only among the most radical and those who feel hopeless.

LOL at the irony in that. But that's the feeling I get whenever I go surfing over there to check out what the domestic enemy is thinking. The irony is that they often attack us for not trusting authority or government (like the founders did), being that the leftists are extremely pro-government. They scoff at the idea that our government can become tyrannical - yet, all it took was someone they severely disapprove of (Bush) to bring a little bit of this out of them.

Let there be a progressive in office, and I assure you 100% that any semi-pro-RKBA thinking that comes from leftist gun-grabbing progressives will disappear once Bush is gone.

Please tell me I am wrong. It seems that most liberals will never turn RKBA out of fear of a tyrannical government due to Diebold voting fraud - because to them, it isn't "government" tyranny. It is a GOP/Republican tyranny. Especially in regards to Diebold, which they feel is linked to the GOP, and is purely a Republican form of fraud. For them to fear the "government" in general, which would be the only way for them to truly turn RKBA, would mean that they should fear the Democrats that they elect because they too would abuse the Diebold machines. They don't believe that. Thus, the matter is not a general acceptance of the RKBA or liberty, but rather a partisan justification for the RKBA. That is almost Bolshevik in nature.

PS, I don't like electronic voting. I've worked with computers and I know how easy it is to hack ANYTHING.
>>The only way I could think of would be out of fear...<<

Yup. Plus some are starting to "Get it" that the Dems are no better - or rather that there are corrupt elements on both sides.

A recent DNC position paper on voting reform called for research into INTERNET voting. Trust me, even among the more wild-eyed (or rather *especially*...) that didn't go down too well AT ALL.

The Democrats really are split on this issue (and a hell of a lot of others) along the lines of "Deaniacs" on one side, "Clintonistas" on the other. Kerry represented the Clinton faction...also includes Terry McAuliff. A lot of the Deaniacs are starting to see McAuliff as being the same sort of "dark force behind the throne" as they see Karl Rove, and for them that's saying a LOT. (I'm not talking about how *I* see this, I'm telling you what my contacts inside that world are saying.)

The Deaniacs are making more and more positive noises re: the RKBA. Virtually all of the Pink Pistol types fall into the Dean camp.
That would be nice, but I have a hard time seeing it materialize.

It seems to me that the real power base of the Democratic Party is the same group that ousted Lieberman. These are your ultra-hard left types who have NO love for the RKBA. These are your Feinstein/Pelosi leftists and worse. The Michael Moore/Soros types.

That's why I said in the Florida thread, the internet has radically altered that party. Something that has not yet happened in the GOP. The Democrats are morphing into a true grass-roots "party of the people" and while that's good in a way, the people of that party are very radical.

The GOP is still not a party that is run by its constituents. It is still very much run by an establishment. The internet, blogs, and these sub-groubs are taking over the Democratic Party, and as a result - their "will" will become the platform which is far from the moderate Democrats of the past. That means when they win (not if, but when)..they'll push the agenda hard. They believe government is the vehicle by which all problems are solved. That is incompatible with individualism, personal responsibility, or the RKBA. This is why the Right to self defense with a firearm simply doesn't exist in other nations.

I also fail to see Dean as pro-gun, or even remotely sympathetic. He's another Al Gore, someone with a good rating at the state-level, but who will show their true colors (nationally) once there is no detriment to their true beliefs. He hides behing "states rights" when it comes to the AWB to appear moderate on gun-control. Anyone who supports the AWB on any level whatsoever is an enemy of the citizens of these United States in my view.

I'd love to see them at least change from being such government-lovers to skeptics of power. That's a start I guess. That would be step one.

Just like victims of crimes. Many join our side only after their world-view was shattered by reality. Only after they felt abandoned by government and felt alone and helpless did they realize only one person in this universe cares about their safety - themselves!

And thus, an individual is born.
Don't Tread:

I just got back from Hungary, having recieved a quick historical education from people who were thrown in to concentration camps in the 50's.

Whatever your reservations are on our two party system, you have no idea how quickly a nation that cannot ensure the integrity of the vote can become a one party state, rapidly sliding into poop and darkness.

Genuine, bona fide, knock on the door at 4AM and ship everyone to the gulag darkness.

It. Has. Happened.

Good letter. It will be interesting to see the official reaction.

For the record, my bet is that it gets ignored, blown off, at best you get a canned hummahumma 'thanks for your concern we'll look into it' response. None of the material on blackbox voting is exactly news after all... even though it seems to be moving more from the tinfoil hat realm into the mainstream, finally.


Thanks to you, Bev Harris, et al for all the tough work in this e-vote thing. What a miserable mess, at the very best.

Not sure of the exact quote, but from the late Commisar Josef Stalin:

"Those who vote determine nothing. Those who count the vote determine everything."
It hasn't been announced yet, but I'm back on the Board of Directors for Black Box Voting :). I resigned to take a full-time job there from Nov. '05 through June, on long-term sabattical now because I need to do some political things that aren't compatible with BBV's 501c(3) charter, but since that's going to be a while I'm back on the board.

I'll be flying to Memphis TN from the 6th through 8th of Sept. to help examine voting system records from the last election there, and then to Pima County AZ by the 12th it appears to help monitor the primaries.
Wow, internet voting? Seriously? I admit it would be cool to watch an american election where 16 trillion people vote, but that is a profoundly stupid idea.

Does anyone remember that time I voted 2-3 million times on that concealed carry poll that was getting hijacked by antis? Like 4 million votes in a small-town newspaper.
Whatever your reservations are on our two party system, you have no idea how quickly a nation that cannot ensure the integrity of the vote can become a one party state, rapidly sliding into poop and darkness.

Hey, no need to remind family came from Europe and saw first hand what tyranny is like. Which is why I believe that every citizen has the God-given Right to own machine guns and shoulder fired missles etc...Unlike my ancestors, I view the difference between their oppression and their freedom as having or not having effective means to project force. It's that simple.

My point wasn't that we've got little to lose - my point is that we've got little left to lose. In other words, making a statement about the terrible situation we're already in. Sure, it can get worse, but it should be a huge wake-up call that the only thing we do when we vote, is pander to the greed and lust for power between two parties that own the system 100%.

Losing the ability to choose between the two-PREdetermined choices destroys the little bit of incentive they have to listen to us - which is the mechanism by which we have a political voice. Which is Jim's point. Once that is gone, we run into what you describe - complete and total unleashed tyranny. It becomes all-out at that point. Like it did in European countries last century. In the matter of a decade, places turned into totalitarian nightmares.

Unlike the government-lovers, I believe that we aren't immune to this just because we're Americans. We could, technically, go from what we have now, to complete and utter despotism in 10 years or less IF the conditions are right (or wrong depending on POV). Of course, things are complex due to the way America is geographically, racially, culturally etc...
Jim, You might want to check an article in today's Atlanta Journal & Constitution by Bob Barr. Says despite being a nutjob, Cynthia McKinney's complaints about electronic voting have some merit. He ascribes her defeat to most of her constituents becoming fed up with her antics, though! :evil:
OK to share this with other states Attorney General, Secretary of State and or those responsible partys in the other respective states?

Like many others, I've got to say thanks for the hard work.

As an embedded systems engineer with over 10 years experience, I can not understand why anyone would trust electronic, particularly microprocessor based, voting machines. Too many security flaws, too many code bugs, too many user errors, too many hacks.

The one thing I lack, that you have, is the ability to explain to the non-technical way this is such a bad idea.

The sad part to me are the technical types that don't get it. I guess none of them have been to DefCon.
Spread this anywhere you want. I think it turned into a pretty decent "beginner's guide" to this issue.

The frustrating part is that this portion of the issue doesn't sound "sexy" - "OK, so they messed up certification some, big deal". Well it IS a big deal. The current oversight process is a bad joke of course but there IS a that Diebold just puked all over.

This is the most illegal thing we've caught 'em doing yet. And it IS a big deal.

When North Carolina passed a law allowing political parties to examine voting system source code, Diebold abandoned the state. What does THAT tell you?


Keith: between a background in techwriting/tech support and the years I've been dealing with this, yeah, I'm not half bad at explaining it.

Question: the NC Democratic Party is starting to look for embedded systems engineers to study the ES&S source code on contract. Know anybody decent, as local to NC as possible? Democratic party membership NOT required.
If we let these people standardize electronic voting in this country, what little chance we have left of getting a non-WWF star candidate into the WH and other elected positions will all but dissappear.

According someone who sends me bits and pieces, in an Associated Press report (Bridgeport, Conn., dated Sept 7), Tracy Costin, owner of DataUSA Inc., a company which ran political polls for the Bush campaign (and Joe Lieberman etc) pleaded guilty to fraud for making up survey and poll results.

Something I noted as I was searching for more on this is an apparent ... uh ... difficulty ... finding much about it on the web in the way of news reports and commentary etc. When running "Tracy Costin guilty" on google for example - I got exactly three hits. No cnn articles, no FOX NEWS articles etc. Substituting the word "indicted" for "guilty" ... Yes, you guessed it - three hits.

Funny google has such a hard time bringing up any links, and funny the "we-hate-bush-liberal-left-media" were not all over this. ;)

Below is the DOJ link for the press release about the indictent; second link is the actual indictment linked from the DOJ article (PDF file). Indictment.pdf

Any status updates?

Just wondering where Jim is at on this part of his venure.

Also anyone else who is working on this in other states with SS SA or other authorities?
I haven't followed this issue too much, but I stumbled on this 9 minute video about diebold voting machines. Its pretty good.

So, in the spirit of "a picture is worth a thousand words", etc...

Jim, I'm sure you've seen this, my apologies if its a repost, but a quick search didn't reveal it.
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