My letter...

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Feb 22, 2006
I decided to write a preemptive letter to 2 Senators and a Rep... I altered the "Senate" or "HOR" references for each, of course.

Please pass my most sincere condolences to Representative Boucher from Virginia. We all watched with shock and sadness as yesterday’s events unfolded on the campus of Virginia Tech. I was struck at the utter helplessness of the students and faculty when confronted by a heartless murderer. As early as last night, the media outlets began to hint at calls for stricter and more far-reaching firearms legislation and restrictions in an effort to quell future attacks. I implore you; please don’t outlaw my ability to defend myself and my family against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Well-meaning interest groups that wish to disarm the American public, such as the Brady Campaign, will be very outspoken in the coming weeks with claims that firearms registration, fees, bans, or the like will reduce firearms violence. Nothing could be further from the truth. Virginia Code 18.2-308.1 already prohibits the “possession of [a] firearm, stun weapon, or other weapon on school property.” What makes us think that murderers will comply with new laws when they blatantly ignore current laws? Only law-abiding citizens abide by the law; every responsible citizen on the Virginia Tech campus was helpless to stop a mass murder in progress.

The Virginia legislature failed to pass HB 1572, in January 2006, which would have allowed students and faculty with a state-issued concealed handgun license to carry their self-defense with them on campus. This failure effectively guaranteed that the only firearms on the Virgina Tech campus yesterday were in the hands of Cho Seung-Hui, a deranged South Korean student.

Self-defense is among the most basic of our God-given human rights. Please ensure that your colleagues in the House of Representatives understand this. Please do not leave us helpless to defend ourselves against the next Cho Seung-Hui.

Thank you for your time and your service.
One response. Positive, but nothing too exciting - about what I expected.

Thank you for contacting my office regarding the tragedy at Virginia Tech. I appreciate knowing your views.

I extend my sympathy to all the families and everyone else impacted by these murders. All Americans were shocked by the events that took place on the Virginia Tech campus in April.
However, I do not believe additional federal gun control laws could have prevented this tragedy.

There are more than 20,000 local, state and federal gun laws on the books, and it is clear that the killer at Virginia Tech had no respect for the law as demonstrated by his actions. More gun control laws are not the answer to stopping gun crimes, and gun control legislation will only prevent law-abiding citizens from having the ability to protect themselves from criminals that disregard the law, such as Cho Seung-Hui.

Rather than restricting gun ownership, I believe the best means of reducing crimes committed with firearms is to enforce existing laws against these crimes and fully prosecute those who use guns to commit crimes. Eligible law-abiding citizens should have the right to purchase and own firearms.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of service to you in the future. If you would like to receive updates of my actions in Congress, I send a weekly e-newsletter called "Randy's Roundup" to keep people up-to-date on the big issues facing Washington and West Texas. Many people have told me they enjoy learning what activities I have been up to on behalf of West Texans. Please visit the 19th District's website at to sign up for the Roundup.


Randy Neugebauer
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