WI: will someone submit this letter under his/her name?

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Dec 25, 2002
Decatur, AL
Since the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel started publishing articles from me (as head of the WCCA) back in 2002 and 2003, I've been pretty much banned from submitting letters.

So, I'd appreciate it if someone here would submit the following letter to the editor under his/her name.

Feel free to re-write it however you like. But please post a reply here if you've sent this letter to the JS.

The URL for letters to the editor is : http://www2.jsonline.com:80/news/editorials/submit.asp



To the editors:

It was with no small amount of disbelief that I read the Sunday "letters to the editor" column regarding the Virginia Tech shooting.

Writer after writer said, in essence, "why, there oughta be a law!"

Well, there are. Pages and pages of laws, both state and federal.

Seung Hui Cho broke many laws prior to and including his murderous rampage.

The most ridiculous law he broke, however, was disobeying the "gun free zone" signs on the campus.

Cho, like just about every other person on the Virginia Tech campus, had seen those "gun free zone" signs.

Why did Cho disobey those signs, when other faculty and students obeyed them?

Perhaps because Cho was more intent on committing murder, while the school administrators were more concerned about appearing to be politically correct by prohibiting those adults with licenses to carry firearms for self-defense from doing so on the campus.

The idea that we can regulate criminal behavior by establishing feel-good policies and posting signs is so outrageous that only the most delusional can embrace those notions.

For those who disagree with this premise, I would suggest the following: post a sign on your home that says, "This is a gun-free household. We believe in gun control, and there are no guns in this house."

The rest of us who view the world in real terms will be anxiously awaiting the results of your experiment.
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