My new house signs

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Should have used washers. That sign is already coming off the nail heads.

That's like a sign saying "STAY COMPLETELY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER! Except for dating and kissing."
As a landowner that has to deal with poachers, I sort of like the sentiment of

Survivors will be Prosecuted.

I have a low tolerance for poachers and rustlers (and--even worse--those that combine the two).
My favorite was a Silhouette Target that had this written underneath,

"Is there life after death? Trespass and find out."

Each to their own......not something I'd put up on my land, have enough problems keeping stray hunters on their own side of the fence.
Bud of mine keeps threatening to put one up in his front yard that says,

"If you can read this, you're in range".
Oh, yeah at least 2 times a year. Furniture that they "Can't return to the warehouse." 20-somethings selling magazines for "School". You name it. I'm actually going to move the sign to the end of my walk, closer to the street. That way if they are on my porch all I have to say is, "You are Trespassing."
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