My New Obsession

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Dec 27, 2002
Del City, Okla
Money's been tight lately, haven't had the money for any of those guns that I love so much. So out of desperation I've turned to collecting something abit more affordable, CHEAP OLD RELOADING DIES!!!!
Been checking Ebay everyday, now I'm addicted. Today I recieved my newest editions, a set of Pacific 250 sav dies that look like they've never been used, but are mysterously in an RCBS box (total cost with shipping, $8.45), and a set of 9mm dies made by Bystrom :confused: in good shape with original box (total cost with shipping, $5.25). Granted I don't own a gun in either caliber and don't plan on it anytime soon, but who cares? At least I got to buy something gun related this month. Brings my total reloading die set count to 27.
Problem is, I started my part-time job this week, so money troubles are over. Will I be able to stop this addiction and go back to healthy gun buying?
Oops, didn't read this thread first. Cool hobby! Now, try to get some Hollywood Gun Club stuff! A buddy of mine has a Hollywood turret press, luck duck.
Ebay can be addicting when you look for the best deals. I've gotten a couple killer deals that can't be beat. Sometimes, you can get great deals if:

-You search under commonly misspelled words or commonly alternative spellings. Most of these won't turn up under a normal search and these go dirt cheap. This takes a lot of time to do. I save my search strings on my ebay preferences as they can be hundreds of letters long to catch all the variations. You'll find doggone good deals this way if you're persistant.

-Look for BIN (Buy it Now) options. Once in a while someone puts in a VERY low BIN because they do not know the value of the stuff they're selling. Buy it right then and there for a super deal. You have to change ebay preferences so it lists BIN auctions only, and sort by date of newest listed first so you'll see the freshest auctions first. Auctions are listed by "ending soon" first so by default, most people won't see these gems unless they browse to the very last page. It's very rare you'll catch one of these, but these are the best deals I've found so far.

-Look for auctions that end at an oddball time. Even though most auctions are in the US, the timezones vary by only 3 hours tops. Look for something that ends at 2am or some such thing. Most people won't be around to do last minute bidding or sniping.

-Look for 3 day auction listings. They don't get many hits at all and don't get the recognition as a 5, 7. or even 10 day auction. Sometimes you can get these at reasonable prices.

-Check seller stores. Some of these items don't turn up under normal auctions and they might be offered at very low prices if they don't know it's value.

Hope those help, happy fleabaying!
My rules are that i only check for auctions ending that day, and I never bid on anything for over $15 including shipping. If I start watching things and checking on them down to the last minute my competitive side comes out and I end up doing something stupid. Like the time I paid $16+shipping for a Savage shooting patch. :banghead: But I wasn't letting no pipsqueak beat me in bidding.
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