My Sister-In-Law's first Black Bear/Biggame animal

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Feb 2, 2012
Alberta, Canada
I guided my sister in law for bears this spring.
This was the first bear she has ever seen in the wild. We stalked to within 150 yards(from425). One shot from the ruger M77 in 7.62x39 (150 gr. Sierras), and the job was done!

Congrats to my little lady, and may there be
Many more to come!

Deer, look out here she comes! Lol!

I will try to post a picture, but cant do it from photobucket at the moment.y I-phone wont allow me to copy the link.
Maybe later with the computer. 2012-05-05210912.jpg
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Thankyou for the post, seems like no one else is interested.

Yes she just started hunting last fall for ducks and geese.
She really likes it. Her excitement and entusiasm is wonderful!

Straight shootin and keep it fun guys
The bear was estimated at 350 lbs. +-
6 foot long hide.
A good healthy boar nearing his prime.

We are located in northern Alberta, Canada.
The bears are starting to move around looking for the green grass.
Nice paw!

I do feel compelled to observe that you guys appear to be on a railroad right of way, and it looks like there's some gear between the rails. Trains take a long time to stop - for your own safety, please don't trespass on the railroad.
Thankyou for your concern. Seriously.

But, were I am located, and these tracks, we certainly are in NO danger.

And tresspassing on a railroad is not an issue here.
This is where the bear was dragged to to get him out of the bush. Just so we are CLEAR.
If a person uses even the smallest amount of common sense, they will never have an issue.
Where is this anyways? You don't have to give me the street address, but what state?
Nice picture! Nice Bear! And Nice Shooting! I just started deer hunting this past fall but have yet to harvest an animal. I greatly look forward to my first successful hunt.

Side note on the iPhone I have had similar trouble; what I do now is use the photobucket app to upload my picture(s) and then goto the website, click the photo to view it and I am able to copy the bottom row code on the right side of the page. Hope this helps!
Again congrats to you and your Sis-in-law!
Wondered when that post would appear.

It's awesome to see new hunters having success early on in our traditions. I doubt anything turns non-hunters off faster than unsuccessful hunts. Congrats and keep up the good work and keep the fire going.
Dhunter, Hope to see more photos of the bear. Are you able to set up bait stations in Alberta? If so did you use bait? Do you recommend cover scents? I am hoping to go black bear hunting for my first time this fall. Asking questions and reading lots.

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