My son gets a doe with Christmas rifle

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Texas Colt

May 30, 2005
Central Texas
Just a proud dad sharing a hunting story...

My youngest son is 16 and got his first rifle for Christmas. He has had access to my guns for many years, but this year he got one to call his own - a pristine Swedish Mauser in 6.5x55 (he loves surplus bolt guns and says he wants a British 303 next).

After a couple trips to the range for practice, we headed to a friends ranch this afternoon for a hunt. We spent over two hours in the blind without seeing anything. Then about 10 minutes before shooting time ended, we saw a doe walk out of the tree line. In the quickly fading light, he made a perfect shot with open sights (nice to have young eyes). The deer went about 30 yards back into the brush and dropped. Success!

We brought it home and spent the next hour skinning and quartering that doe. Some great father & son time. It's a great feeling for me to be passing on a legacy of hunting, gun safety, and gun collecting. The jerky will be good too :)
Memories. The story reminded me of my first hunt. My Dad and I spent all day looking for a pheasant. Never got one, but I will rember that day for the rest of my life.
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