My trip to CMP North

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Oct 13, 2003
Lexington, KY
This is pretty image heavy, so be warned.

I finally made my trip up to CMP North. It's about 300 miles north of where I live. I left around 6 and arrived around 11. It was fairly busy, there were maybe a dozen other people that came through. The staff was incredibly helpful, answering all my questions and fishing stock out of the back when none of the rifles on the floor were any good.
Garand stocks, 5 bucks a piece.
Plenty of ammo.
A view from the entrance
Low-numbered 1903s and woodless Danish issue Garands.
A view from the back. The garands for the most part line the walls except for the collector's grade ones. If you look on the right wall you can see 1917s. The ones they had looked almost perfect and in far better cosmetic shape than the 1903s.

I found more or less the rifle I was looking for, a Springfield 1903 Mark I with the original barrel that had the tightest muzzle and strongest rifling of the 1903s, correct stock, original (albeit heavily worn) finish and more cosmoline than anyone should ever have to deal with. Cosmoline cosmoline cosmoline.

Running a patch through the rifle extruded a barrel length's worth of the stuff in a solid cylinder the consistency of toothpaste and the color of, say, melted pudding pops, sort of a light brownish colour. I've never seen something so heavily packed.

I've stripped the rifle down to wood parts and metal parts, the only metal left on the wood is the barrel band spring and I what I think may be two metal reinforcing rods where the receiver lies, they're so gooped up I can barely see them.

The small metal bits are in a plastic ziploc bag awaiting a dousing of mineral sprits for soaking. The barrel/receiver/trigger assembly will just get wiped down with paper towels along the external surfaces tonight and I'll work on it some more tomorrow with the rest of the metal parts.

I'm doing my best to get off the solidified cosmoline from the stock and handguard using a plastic disposable spoon. There is some beautiful wood under there and I don't want to use the harsher methods of cosmo stripping like oven cleaner, brake cleaner, degreaser or dishwasher, especially since it's an oil finish and it actually has cartouches and stuff with the dents, they're just hard to see since they're filled solid with cosmoline.
There are plenty there, they said they had two more boxes in back. A lot of them were really rough though. There were a few interesting ones, one in particular had a bunch of Greek graffiti on it. They're stripped of pretty much all metal except for the odd incalcitrant buttplate.
Where is this CMP of the North? It would be nice to get some directions, and a address.....
Thanks for the pics....reminds me of my trip up there last summer to get my Garand. It's definitely a trip everyone should make.
My 1903A3 came to me with it's original '43 barrel, which I might add, is in great shape! Only problem I'm having is the front sight is too low. Rifle shoots about 2' high at 250 yards.
It looks like there were some .22s in the racks.
Do you know what kind they were?
I got a Rem40X from the CMP last year. It's a real shooter.
They looked nice in a cosmetic sense, the wood was cleaned up and the finish looked pretty good. They didn't have gobs upon gobs of cosmoline on them and some of the wood was very pretty. I didn't go at them with any scopes or gauges though so I can't speak to their condition for shooting.
Well the cosmoline is off for the most part. The stock is much nicer looking now and the metal parts are almost totally clean.

Two problems I've noticed, the rear sight won't go all the way down, it looks like htere's been a ding with some shaved off metal on one of the rails blocking it. Another is that it won't feed the last round out of the magazine without quite a bit of pounding. I can't tell what it's getting stuck on for the life of me.
I keep hearing stories about how cheap the 1917s were (are?), but the only time I've actually seen on has been up at Camp Perry.
Huh, they let you take cameras in? I'll have to remember than next time. Methinks that over spring break, CMP is getting visited by me again to get company for my M1. Something in the order of a 1903.
Whenever you guys mention the CMP, it is one of the only times I think it sucks living over here!

The rest of the times, I remember the nice temps we have... :p
I checked ahead of time before I went up there and they said they didn't have any problems so long as I asked anyone I was taking a picture of. How that goes on the base itself I don't know, I didn't think to ask the guard.

Close is a relative thing, according to the gentleman there they'e had people form AK and HI come in, makes any trip from the continental US seem sad in comparison.
I have seen my Mecca.....

And like any devout follower of the Garandic faith, it is recommended that they should visit CMPMecca at least once in their lifetime.

where is the Camp Perry PX? Is it near the CMP store?

I may not get there before August. I don't know of any "gotta have it" stuff they are selling. In August, there's the CMP store plus "commercial row". Lots of ways to drop money :)

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