Myths of gun control

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Reading it now, very well written so far. I just wish it was all on one screen, hate having to keep clicking "next" to get to the rest of the article on slow work internet.
Ah, nice Giorgio...too bad I just finished it!

I really liked the bit at the end "I'm using the data from the anti-gun sources, I'm just not butchering it for my own agenda" (paraphrased).

I see he didn't address every myth, though. He's missing:

9) Only cops and military should have guns, because they're properly trained. (Ignores abysmal training of cops - some people even say how good the training is and that there's incentives to qualify marksman; also ignores civilian training).

10) The Second Amendment is (outdated, meant for hunting, meant for the National Guard). Ignores the line "shall not be infringed" and that there are several legitimate uses for guns, including anti-tyranny, self defense, hunting, and "because it's fun".
Great thread SunnySlopes. If y'all haven't looked at Gun Facts by Guy Smith (now on version 6.1), he does a great job too. Nice downloadable PDF. He follows the "Myth vs. Fact" format as well.
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