National Firearm Museum

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Feb 21, 2009
Central Washington
This past Friday, I had the opportunity to visit the NRA headquarters in Virginia. What a great place to visit. The highlight is the National Firearm Musuem. The NRA folks have done a wonderful job collecting and displaying firearms. I am a history buff and found the way the curator presents the 3,500 firearms to be a fascinating tribute to our forefathers, their ingenuity, their sacrifices, and their commitment to liberty.

If you have a chance, make it a point to visit ... it is worth the effort. If you are not an NRA member, the firendly staff will provide an application!
While you are in Virginia check out Williamsburg. They have collection of 18th century firearms that is unreal.
If you are near the firearms museum you also have to see the Museum of the Marine Corp down the road in Quantico. Both places are free and incredably awesome.
The NRA Range is also located in the basement of the NRA HQ's building. 15 lanes state of the art. Electric target system. It is open to the public but NRA members pay 4 dollars less an hour to use it. You can bring your own ammo and targets. I got there at least once a month.

Outstanding range.
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