National Gun Ban Poll on Facebook

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43,110 have taken it so far.
The question: Would you support a nationwide handgun ban?
Yes: 2,747
No: 40,035
Not Sure: 328

That's is a good looking poll so far.
I voted too. Don't think it says a great deal though, it's hardly scientific. Chances are, the only people voting are pro-2A and most anti's simply don't care, or are unaware of the poll. I'm sure this has circulated the forums.
Also an AWB ban question
Well! I voted but never did see a result. That's the first time I ever was on the FaceBook site. My son wants me to join but I want. Those types of sites scare me; too much information!!!
Don't know if this quite counts as a "push poll" but notice that they called it the "Take your gun away poll?" Looks like whoever authored the poll has our views at heart...

I have been following it for the last day, I think the results are just randomly generated each time. Every time I have looked at it, its a totally random number, for or against, anywhere from 2,000 to 110,000.

I wouldn't worry about it, Its just some lame Facebook application to get advertising.
fireman 9731 said:
I have been following it for the last day, I think the results are just randomly generated each time. Every time I have looked at it, its a totally random number, for or against, anywhere from 2,000 to 110,000.

I wouldn't worry about it, Its just some lame Facebook application to get advertising.

Really? That sucks. I don't like my friends being subjected to bogus applications. I participate in applications sparingly.
They changed the Facespace (what I call social networking sites, they're all the same) format after 95% of people despised the "new" format of the site. We see how well that did.
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