Neal Boortz's reasons to Not Vote Libertarian, etc

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Jul 10, 2003
Today, Neal Boortz lists on his website reasons to not vote for X.

The link is but will be valid only for today.

I found it interesting.

Even though he lists Libertarians last, I'll put that list here first.

Why you shouldn't vote Libertarian

With over 50% of the American people harboring strong libertarian feelings, they can't manage to mount a viable third-party campaign. How would they manage to govern?
Not only will they not defend America's borders, they don't really think the borders need defending.
Though philosophically they're right, they fail to see that their "legalize drugs" agenda isn't exactly a winner with the American people.
They never jumped on eminent domain abuse as the party agenda. People will react when they think their property rights are being threatened .... and the Libertarians couldn't take advantage of this.
Have you seen the way some of the people at their convention dress?

And here are the Repulican and Democrat lists, too.

Why you shouldn't vote Republican

They have absolutely no fiscal discipline whatsoever. No congress has ever blown money on vote-buying programs quite like the current Republican congress has.
There are far too many Republicans who want to take their personal religious blueprints for behavior and make them law.
The seem unwilling to press the advantage when it is theirs to press.
They're prudes.
Stem cell research.
Donald Wildmon
The McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Act.
Democrats think that it's odd that the jails are so full while our crime rate is going down.
The Medicare Prescription Drug benefit for the Gimme Generation
If they had their way, Terri Schiavo's soul would still not be at rest.
They pay more attention to K Street than they do to the American workers and businessmen carrying the load.
They can't even protect America's borders.
Do you want your kids to come home from a government school and tell you that the Earth is only 6000 years old?
Why you shouldn't vote Democrat

They clearly will not defend America from Islamic Fascism ... not now ... not until the price of that defense is catastrophic.
They think terrorism is a law enforcement problem.
Their war against individualism.
They think America is great because of its government.
They seem to think that income is distributed, not earned.
They promote class warfare.
They have almost single-handedly destroyed black culture in America.
Hillary Clinton.
They're joined at the hip with teacher's unions.
Taxes can never be too high for Democrats.
They fully intend to destroy talk radio.
Their love of mob rule.
The fully intend to turn illegal aliens into Democrat voters.
Like the Republicans; they refuse to protect America's borders
Okay, what's his solution?

I did a lookup of all the National representative from my zip code today--ALL were former attornies. I think I know what the problem is now...
Ultimately the biggest threat we face is self-inflicted: nearly unlimited expansion of deficit spending. Blame for that rests squarely on the Demopublicans, and the electorate that keeps sending them back for more.
I would absolutely oppose libertarians because of their open borders policy.

Wait, that's true of the Democrats, too.

Wait, that's the repugnants, too.

Never mind.
The open borders policy would be the place for the Libertarians to strike out, and get some votes. But they aren't gonna do it because of "ideological purity" of free market economics.

What I figured out a long time ago (and I am in many ways a small libertarian), is that international corporations working in cahoots with various governments to get subsidies, tax breaks, and other advantages not possible in the free market isn't laissez faire.

This illegal issue is very much a big part of that.
Open borders...

are definitely the weakest part of the Libertarian national party platform. Ironically, most "practicing" Libertarians I know of (myself included) are not for open borders. We view it as one of the few legitimate functions of government to protect our borders from foreign invasion. And open borders would be less of an issue if government didn't dabble in free ("free" as in "taxpayer funded"!) healthcare, education, etc.

Aside from open borders, most potential voters hate the thought of legalizing drugs... I do too but I don't see that making them illegal has been such a good thing either, and it opens the door to banning other things I do believe in like guns and beer (again).
Yeah, open borders drove me away from the Ls. No way will I support someone who supports open borders.

On another note, he lists "Stem cell research" as a reason not to vote for Republicans?!

Let's get one thing straight: EMBRYONIC stem cells have produced no cures for anything. None whatsoever. That's all the Rs are fighting against, to my knowledge. And they're right--it's morally and scientifically wrong to pursue the useless embryonic cells. No one knows why the Ds are so bent on pursuing them, other than to defy morality with their "in your face" desecration of all that is traditional. They have been shown time and again not to work.

Adult and umbilical stem cells are the ones that work in medicine, AND they don't present a morality issue to use.
Why you shouldn't vote Democrat...

They have almost single-handedly destroyed black culture in America.


What angers me the most is when I try to explain this to other black folks - and get ostracized for NOT being a Democrat! Of course, with a little bit of tact and a lot of facts to back up my position, most of my friends and family are starting to understand where I'm coming from. To be honest though, what do we expect? One party loves to play our music at their conventions, but completely ignores us once they get elected... The other party, well, they just ignore us altogether...

Guess you can tell I'm not a republican either.
People will react when they think their property rights are being threatened .... and the Libertarians couldn't take advantage of this.

For what it's worth, Reason Magazine and it's online Blog Hit 'n' Run have been doing an excellent job of covering the emminent domain issue.
I listen to Boortz online if I am in the office during the show just about every day. I like his ideas for the most part. In fact I am listening to 750 AM right now via the internet...

Like a lot of us, he is disenfranchized with the Republicans. Not enough DO. But, I can not see the Democrats or Libratarians doing any better in any of the pressure points that cause me to vote one way or the other. If the Republicans loose either the House or Senate, they should take some lessons from the behavior of their Democratic opponents.
One thing I do agree with in general: far too many people in both parties are authoritarian these days. Limited Govt seems to be becoming an antiquated idea.
Lets all just vote for Perot again so we can ashore Hillarys win.:banghead: :banghead:
Solution: Out law political parties. Make each person vote of a person, instead of an vauge unfollowed agenda.
The problem with the Libertarian / anti-authoritarian platform is that somebody has to run for office, but if you truly believe that government should be minimized/eliminated, you can't desire office. Maybe Ron Paul is the exception.

I'm always spouting off my personal responsiblity / get gov't out of our lives stuff around work, and people say "that's great... you should run for office." But by definition I don't want to hold office because I want officeholders out of my life.

Maybe if ballots included "Abolish this elected office" as a choice... :scrutiny:
Lets all just vote for Perot again so we can ashore Hillarys win.
If we put Hillary ashore, is that a case of a beached whale or an evil beach?

Solution: Out law political parties. Make each person vote of a person, instead of an vauge unfollowed agenda.
Yeah! If there's one thing that will solve any problem it's passing more laws and advocating greater governmental intrusiveness!

Could help. If people even kept voting, it is also possible or likely they'd just pick random names, or the names they'd heard the most. In other words, things wouldn't change all that much.
In my personal experiences, the vast number of alleged "Libertarians" I have encountered, both on the web and in the flesh, have been a lot more interested in being "ideologically pure" than messing with anything so silly and pedestrian as fielding viable candidates or trying to win elections.

There may be big-time exceptions out there, but I haven't run across them yet.

Of course, your proverbial mileage may proverbially vary.......

In my personal experiences, the vast number of alleged "Libertarians" I have encountered, both on the web and in the flesh, have been a lot more interested in being "ideologically pure" than messing with anything so silly and pedestrian as fielding viable candidates or trying to win elections.

Down here, we have some practical Libertarians. Not everyone, of course, but some really active people, who actually make a dent on local politics. It is nearly impossible to get into office without an R or D behind your name, though, we've found out (and Ron Paul, too).

I think we're best off trying to get good people in, during the primaries, then voting as best we can in the generals.
The problem with the Libertarian / anti-authoritarian platform is that somebody has to run for office, but if you truly believe that government should be minimized/eliminated, you can't desire office. Maybe Ron Paul is the exception.

I'm always spouting off my personal responsiblity / get gov't out of our lives stuff around work, and people say "that's great... you should run for office." But by definition I don't want to hold office because I want officeholders out of my life.

I'm beginning to think we should just "draft" people at random to take a turn at political office, sort of like we do now for jury duty.

It couldn't be much worse than the present system :p
If we put Hillary ashore, is that a case of a beached whale or an evil beach?

Bwahahahahahahahaha! I'm wiping my keyboard off the lemonaide that just speewed from nose onto it. I hope my keys won't stick laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Justin said:
For what it's worth, Reason Magazine and it's online Blog Hit 'n' Run have been doing an excellent job of covering the emminent domain issue.
True, and Reason carries advertisements for the Institute for Justice. Still, Boortz' criticisms are all correct. The LP won't be a real political party if it can't connect with the public on an issue like eminent domain, and if it can't address the other problems Boortz noted.

OTOH, getting elected might not be as much fun as talking about what elected people should do...
There is no way I could Back the LibertairanParty, I can not agree with the open border policy nor the legalisation of Drugs, but I was looking around and did find a Party that I can Back and that is the Constitution Party.

Go to the Web Page, select the tab Party Information and drop down to Platform, I think you will agree it is a pretty good Platform.
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