Need a little help

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May 8, 2008
I have a spear a shield and sword in case any is ever to break into my house so i can defend myself and my family but i dont have a weapon permit so legaly i cant have a gun but i do need some ideas for weapons to defend my family if you know of any good homemade weapons let me know or if you know how to build a gun
Where do you live?

It strikes me that if you need a permit to own a gun, building one would probably be illegal as well, by the way...
We've had several long threads on non-firearms weapons for home defensive use. Just search within this subforum and you'll find them.

As said, where do you live? California? Why can't you have a shotgun in the home? Why would you need to know how to build a gun?

What sort of layout is the home?

Wide open interiors lend themselves to different tools than narrow confines.

Why wouldn't you harden the perimeter of your living space to keep from having to defend yourself within it?

While everyone's situation is different, they do tend to fall into some broad categories and without some more information you're not going to get much help.
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Seeing as a taser gun does not classify as a firearm I would say that would be your best bet, plus most home invasions do not include a gun so you should be ok with what you have.
Unless I was armed or on narcotics (ironically, right now I'm on oxycodine and carrying a knife, so I fit both those catergories) I think I would be scared crapless if someone came at me with a spear. That said, a good alarm system helps. Also, you might want to consider getting some security guards- not humans. If you can't get an alarm system, even small, non physically attacking dogs make a lot of noise and will at least warn you. Big dogs can actually fight back. If you already have a canine companion, get them some training.
(little dogs can fight back too, come to think of it)
I think the weapons you have are good- spear and shield with sword backup. Just makesure you know how to use them, and not just from watching Lord of the Rings. Get some training, even brief training, or some SCA or something practical.
Also, a club/baseball bat/cricket bat/broom handle/4D Maglite/ASP/PR24, or any medium lenght hard piece of substance will deal out a world of hurt on someone.
I would apply for a firearms permit and get a proper weapon. If you can't, train with a the weapons/tools at your disposal. Also, if you're not already, get pretty physically fit, and study or train as how to use your body as a weapon.
Above all, have the right mental attitude and preparations. Make sure your family knows what to do in the event of a break-in. If they're all safe, don't do anything stupid, looking for a fight. But if a fight comes, fight your hardest.
The will to survive is key.
Without more information from this poster about who and where he is or why he is looking for information to do something that is likely illegal I suggest a Mod lock this thread and speak with the OP about the rules and LEGITIMATE purposes of these boards.

It may be that there is some obscure reason this person is looking for this information for a legitimate purpose. I must say, however, I doubt it. It's more likely that this is someone trolling for information against legitimate firearms owners or that it's a thirteen year old disgruntled child somewhere looking to make a mark on the world. A bloody mark. We already have too many of those.
if you know how to build a gun

For the best parts, you should go to your nearest police department (they always keep the best for themselves) and ask them if you can have a couple of their extra receivers and barrels and bullets. Then you can assemble this in the peace and quiet of your own home. Don't forget to bring your spear and shield to show them.
Well, he could legally and legitimately put a BP together. If he's in Cali, he could be like one of the endless group of misguided folks who think they can't even own a shotgun.

If he wants to build a modern firearm he's out of luck unless he wants to get into the whole ATF issue.
Well, he could legally and legitimately put a BP together. If he's in Cali, he could be like one of the endless group of misguided folks who think they can't even own a shotgun.

I always struggle with this kind of stuff, I'm not into hieroglyphics ; what is a BP?
I suspect age is a factor here.

What you mean I didn't fight in the Civil War? Or is it that I dont text people on my cell phone and the hieroglyphics that they use to communicate?

I guess it's a forum thing, most of them dont type out key words in a message expecting everybody to just know what they are saying.
I guess it's a forum thing, most of them dont type out key words in a message expecting everybody to just know what they are saying.

You mean like "wcb"?

You've got to relax, I'm pretty sure feedthehogs is talking about the original poster.

That's War Between the States, thar warn't nuth'n civil about it.;)

Chill, feedthehogs is talking about the original poster. It's a kid's question or some troll who's hoping that someone will help him break the law. It has plenty of earmarks of either.

Regardless, looks like he's not coming back so this one's done.
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