Need examples of gun myths for gun safety presentation!

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X-Rap--------8" paper plates at 3 & 5 & 7 yards taped to IDPA cardboard targets

matrix, lol--no way. standing or walking is ok though. i find helpful is to lock wrists and let elbow piston from the recoil. thus each time you straighten your arm to the target, you are already pointing proper. so, 18 rounds in two guns with 2 plates per target makes for 3 rounds per plate
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Myth Busters

Look for video done by mythbusters about the knock down power of a gun. They did a entire bit on how the movies were a load of crap.

You might also want to care the number of deaths from sport hunting versus other sports related deaths. I believe in the hunters safety course they stated it was significantly less than that of other sports. I don't have the number but I'm sure they are available online.
Regarding those who worry that a gun "might go off and hurt someone", my response has always been this: No one has ever been accidentally injured or killed by a properly handled and maintained firearm.
You should rethink that... More then once I've seen guns blow up in peoples faces do to bad ammo, once it was factory ammo.

Myth number one.
Gun control helps reduce crime.
Fact, gun control by government is about controling the population.
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I would think a basic description of a cartridge (primer, powder, case, bullet) and how it gets fired would be useful. Follow-up with mechanics of the gun and how safety mechanisms such as a firing pin stop works.
Perhaps you should present the good things about guns and how modern firearms actually save lives.


1. non-lethal ammo for police departments curtail injuries and death
2. guns protect people from dangerous animals and bad guys
3. guns are a deterant to criminal behavior that injures people
4. guns protect our freedoms

And, I'm sure there are many more.
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if you play with a gun too much you will get hair on your palms.:eek:.. oh wait... you will go blind.:what:. no thats not it.. you will get carpultunnel..:evil:.
1. Car doors are great cover

2. FMJ's are safer than HP's

3. Bad guys freeze & throw up there hands at the sight of a gun

4. Child locks on an unloaded gun make your house safer

5. 2nd amendment protects sporting activities

6. I shoot good enough without practice

7. Woman can't handle recoil & should stick with mouse guns

8. Only paranoid people own guns

9. Education can wait because my guns are out of my childs reach

10. One shot from a .44 mag will blow your head clean off

11. My gun makes me a stronger person
Since you are focusing primarily on the safe use of firearms, then concentrating on the 4 rules is your best plan, as you said.

I would also explain that just because a gun has a mechanical safety, it does not mean that you can be lax with the rules. Safeties are mechanical devices which can break, so you can use them, but it is probably wise to handle the weapon as if such devices are not present. Also, I would remind everyone that many negligent discharges are preceded by these 3 words: "It isn't loaded."

I would also explain that hiding guns from Children (I'm referring to kids old enough to understand concequences) will NOT keep them safer. In fact, it is a recipee for disaster in that it introduces the "forbiden fruit syndrome", as the guns become taboo ... something irrisistable to a curious child. Once a child is old enough, they should be taught, at a minimum, safe gun handling rules, basic mechanics and shooting techniques by an instructor, knowledgeable family member or friend, etc. Start with a BB gun, airsoft or paintball gun. Heck, even a squirt or toy gun may not be a bad place to start for kids under 5.

If your kid asks to see your gun(s), allow them to with your supervision ... just be sure they are unloaded of course. After a while the mystery wears off, and the gun becomes just any other household object that should be handled with care and respect much in the same manner as a chainsaw, lawn mower or kitchen knife.

As this is purely a gun safety presentation, I'd stay away from some of the topics mentioned by other THR members (though they are certainly good topics - they just don't fit into the scope of your presentation). Keep it simple and a-political and you may just when a convert or two.

I suppose you could debunk the Kellerman Study for the umteen-thousandth time. There is also the myth that a criminal will just take your gun and use it against you. First, if that were true, then we would have the ultimate solution to violent crime: Arm criminals! Then, we could take their guns and use them against them!!! :evil: Second, such occurences are common only in Hollywood ... I saw a statistic a few years ago and can't remember where I saw it ... basically, only something like 2-5% of the time is a citizen's gun taken by a criminal and used against them. Whatever the figure, it does not occur nearly as frequently as it does in TV and movies.

How 'bout the "assault weapons watch" web site? Can't think of the URL right now, but I think it's still up.

IAC, don't get too technical. Forget about "drop safeties", "hammer blocks", lawyer-inspired locks, etc., or at least don't make those central. What's central is the safety device between your ears....

The first time I shot a pistol - kinda like a Colt Woodsman, at a shooting gallery - I was shocked at how badly I did. (I was barely tall enough to hit the "you must be this tall to play" line, but had been doing well with rifles for a long while.) Yech....

15 years or so later, I tried again :), and while I may never make any money off it, I can seriously aggravate the paper (or BG) at 30', which is about four times as far as that gallery :D....

My point being that most of what your "students" know is based on what they saw on TV, and NOT the Outdoor Channel.... You have to get past that....

Something else to think about. There are very few "solid" gun stats out there. There are lots of bad studys, guesses and down right lies.
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